Counseling and Support
As a community of scholars, leaders, learners and practitioners, the College of Education is committed to advancing efforts that lead to safer and healthier communities for children and adults.
The college is home to several human resource professionals, including a Title IX coordinator, who are members of our Business Services Team.
College-based Counseling for Students
Danie White, our Counselor in Academic Residence (CARE) counselor, is available to meet with students in need of mental health assistance.
Students can schedule an appointment with Danie by calling 512-232-6862 and asking to schedule a CARE appointment. Please let them know they should include their name, EID and contact number if they have to leave a voicemail.
Danie also has walk-in hours on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 – 2 PM in JES A115 and Tuesdays and Fridays from 1 – 2 PM in SZB 2.110. Students should check in at the front desk of the office. The staff will let Danie know you’re waiting. All services are confidential and none of their information will be shared without their written consent.
University Resources
Employee Assistance Program
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides counseling, grief and trauma support, and stress management for all university employees.
Faculty Ombuds
The Office of the Faculty Ombuds at The University of Texas at Austin provides faculty with a prompt and professional way to resolve conflicts, disputes, or complaints beyond turning to their supervisors. The office assists faculty with any work-related difficulty, including interpersonal conflict or misunderstandings, as well as academic or administrative concerns.
Student Emergency Services
If you are concerned about a student, contact Student Emergency Services via their 24/7 Behavior Concerns Advice Line.
Anyone encountering a situation that requires immediate police, medical, psychological or other emergency services should call 911 or the University of Texas Police Department at (512) 471-4441 for assistance 24/7/365.
Mailing Address
College of Education
1912 Speedway, Stop D5000
Austin, Texas 78712
View Map
Business Policies and Procedures: for college staff and faculty
Research Administration: for college faculty
Sánchez Facilities/Building Resources: for college faculty and staff (UT EID required)
Marketing and Communications: for college faculty and staff
Field Experiences: for students, cooperating teachers, coordinators and field supervisors involved in the Professional Development Sequence for future teachers
Tutorials from the Information Technology Office
University of Texas Police Department – Call 911
Behavior Concerns Advice Line – Call 512-232-5050
Title IX Office – for reporting violence, misconduct, harassment, or discrimination