Peng Peng

Headshot of  Peng  Peng
Associate Professor, Department of Special Education

Phone: +1 512 232 9258
Office: SZB 5.804K
View Curriculum Vitae (url)

Dr. Peng Peng's research aims to bridge cognitive psychology and special education. He is interested in embedding high-level cognitive skills training into academic instructions for children with severe learning difficulties. In particular, he has been working on projects to design instruction that can incorporate cognitive strategy, meta-cognition, and reading skills. Another line of his research is meta-analysis that examines reading and mathematics learning across cultures and languages. Currently, he is working on several meta projects to investigate the bidirectional relation (and mechanism) between general cognition and learning during development.

Dr. Peng Peng's work has been published in journals including Psychological Bulletin, Review of Educational Research, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Educational Psychology Review, Learning and Individual Differences, Exceptional Children, Scientific Studies of Reading, Child Development Perspectives, Journal of Special Education, Learning Disability Quarterly, and Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. He is the recipient of 2018 Early Career Award from International Dyslexia Association, the associate editor of Reading and Writing, and serves on the editorial board of Scientific Studies of Reading, Exceptional Children, Contemporary Educational Psychology, Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, Annals of Dyslexia, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Review of Educational Research, Psychological Bulletin.