Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis

Headshot of  Sylvia  Celedón-Pattichis
Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
H. E. Hartfelder/The Southland Corporation Regents Chair in Human Resource Development (Fellow)

Office: SZB 4.308L
Office Hours: By Appointment

Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis is a professor of bilingual/bicultural education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. She recently served as senior associate dean for research and community engagement and director of the Center for Collaborative Research and Community Engagement in the College of Education at The University of New Mexico.

Celedón-Pattichis prepares elementary pre-service teachers in the bilingual/ESL cohort to teach mathematics and teaches graduate level courses in bilingual education. She taught mathematics at Rio Grande City High School in Rio Grande City, Texas for four years. Her research interests focus on studying linguistic and cultural influences on the teaching and learning of mathematics, particularly with bilingual students. She was a co-principal investigator (PI) of the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Center for the Mathematics Education of Latinos/as (CEMELA). She is currently a lead-PI or co-PI of three NSF-funded projects that broaden the participation of Latinx students in mathematics and computer programming in rural and urban contexts.

She serves as a National Advisory Board member of several NSF-funded projects and as an Editorial Board member of the Bilingual Research Journal, Journal of Latinos and Education and Teachers College Record. Her current work is a special issue on "Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Computing in Multilingual Contexts" through Teachers College Record. She co-edited three books published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics titled Access and Equity: Promoting High Quality Mathematics in Grades PreK-2 and Grades 3-5 and Beyond Good Teaching: Advancing Mathematics Education for ELLs.

Celedón-Pattichis was a recipient of the Innovation in Research on Diversity in Teacher Education Award from the American Educational Research Association, and the 2011 Senior Scholar Reviewer Award from the National Association of Bilingual Education. She was also a recipient of the Regents Lectureship Award, the Faculty of Color Research Award, Chester C. Travelstead Endowed Faculty Award, and the Faculty of Color Mentoring Award to recognize her research, teaching, and service at The University of New Mexico. The accomplishments she is most proud of are her two daughters, Rebecca and Antonia Pattichis.