Educator Preparation Services
The Educator Preparation Services oversees the Professional Development Sequence (PDS) that encompasses all the professional development courses and on-site training that may lead to a recommendation for teacher certification.
Students apply during the long semester prior to entering the program, the length of which varies by certification program. Admission to the PDS is dependent upon meeting the required GPA and successful completion of prerequisite coursework. The PDS application runs from February 1 to March 1 for fall entry and September 1 to October 1 for spring entry.
Check the COE Field Experiences Wiki for important information, documents, and forms needed for the teacher education program. Please send us feedback so we can continue to make improvements to better suit your needs.
Our Mission
Field Experiences at The University of Texas at Austin are an integral component of our teacher preparation programs, built on strong collaboration between school districts and colleges of the University. Our future teachers engage in purposefully crafted field experiences that cultivate depth of knowledge, research-based practices, and professional ethics. These experiences are designed to be sequential, cumulative and performance-based while preparing our graduates to implement and evaluate effective practices with diverse student populations in varied settings. As a result, teachers prepared at the University will master subject knowledge and pedagogical skills, work collaboratively with all stakeholders, develop dispositions to be active citizens and offer their students the opportunity to develop these characteristics themselves.
Our Staff

Katie Tackett
Director of Educator Preparation Services
Maxine Foreman Zarrow Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Education (Holder)
Associate Professor of Practice

Karen French
Associate Director of Educator Digital Learning

Sheri Mycue
Associate Director for Compliance
Clinical Associate Professor

Kelly Cruise
Field Experiences Placement Coordinator
Associate Professor of Practice

Shannon Hewgley
Certification Officer

Jennifer Carney
Senior Administrative Associate
Phone: (512) 232-9574

Elsa Rennie
Senior Administrative Associate