Early Childhood Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

The Early Childhood Education (ECE) program area focuses on the social, cultural, racial, academic and political intersections of young children entering grades preschool – 3rd grade. Our area features nationally and internationally recognized scholars working on early childhood policy, pedagogy, teacher development, curriculum, and advocacy. Students can choose between an M.Ed. M.A. or Ph.D. concentration in Early Child Education.
We provide a comprehensive approach to mentoring graduate students through teaching and research so that they can successfully pursue careers addressing the local and global issues facing young children and their communities. Our students are committed to improving early childhood education and addressing inequalities for an increasingly diverse group of young children. Our graduates demonstrate the importance of creating dynamic, engaging, high quality, and culturally relevant and sustaining early childhood learning environments for all children and the communities in which they live.

Areas of expertise include early childhood education, racial justice and equity in early learning, educational anthropology, video-cued ethnography, immigration and education, impact of social injustices on childhoods, project-based learning led by c...

Interests include early childhood education policy and practice, gender issues in early childhood education, conceptions of children, urban literacy education, diversity, equity and social justice in early childhood and qualitative research.

Dr. Snaider is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Her research explores the enactment of educational policy in early childhood practice, with a particular focus on issues of gender and sexuality with young childre...
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