Urban Teachers

Concentration or Minor

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Change the world through the University of Texas Urban Teachers program. This 18-hour, three-semester teacher preparation sequence is designed to help equity-minded teacher candidates develop knowledge, skills and dispositions to support teaching and learning in linguistically and culturally diverse urban settings. 

Concentration for YCS Students

Students within the College of Education who major in Youth and Community Studies can work towards teacher certification in English Language Arts or Social Studies as part of the Urban Teachers concentration.

Minoring in Education

All university students outside the College of Education are welcome to apply to minor in the Urban Teachers program to work toward teacher certification in English Language Arts or Social Studies.


Prospective applicants must meet the following requirements before applying to the Professional Development Sequence in the fall of their junior year:

  • Be an undergraduate student enrolled at UT Austin.
  • Have a minimum 3.0 GPA in an accepted major.
  • Complete EDU/ALD 327 and EDU/ALD 331 with at least a “C” (no appeals accepted).

Students pursuing the Urban Teachers minor also will need to complete a course before finishing the program related to teaching students learning English as an additional language.  Recommended courses include EDU 329 Acquisition of Language & Literacies second language acquisition, ESL Methods or another course pre-approved by the program advisor.

Direct questions about the application process, eligibility, choosing a subject area or how your major qualifies for the program to utut@utexas.edu.

Application Process


Decisions are sent in early November and successful applicants will start the program the spring of their junior year.

In addition to major coursework, students will take one or two Education classes per semester while gaining valuable experience in classrooms and community organizations such as Breakthrough Central Texas.

Total Minimum Hours: 18

English Language Arts

Social Studies

University-wide requirements and available options can be found in the university’s Undergraduate Catalog.

Certification Recommendation

Once you successfully complete all of the steps to become a teacher, including passing the relevant exams approved by the Texas Education Agency, you may be recommended for certification to the TEA by our certification officer. Be sure to reference the Certification Checklist on the Field Experiences wiki for additional information.