STEM Education
STEM Education Programs
The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in STEM Education examines how people learn STEM subjects and how teachers, schools, and communities can inspire learners of all ages in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
- The program is designed for students who are preparing for research careers.
- 63 hours of coursework (including dissertation) are required for the degree, 12 of which are graduate coursework in a discipline area (science, mathematics, engineering).
- The discipline content hours may be waived for students who have a master’s degree in a content area (e.g., mathematics, not mathematics education).
- The typical timeframe for completing the degree is 4-6 years.
- The Ph.D. degree requires active engagement with faculty and a research group on campus, and therefore it is not usually recommended for students who are working full time or not in residence at UT Austin.
- All admitted applicants to the PhD program are considered for research fellowships; no additional materials are required to be considered.
- Due to the limited number of fellowships, most first-year PhD students work as Teaching Assistants (TAs) in the College of Natural Science (in their area of undergraduate specialty such as math), or in the College of Education (primarily for those with K-12 teaching experience).
- Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) positions are typically reserved for PhD students in later years of their program.
Students in the Ph.D. STEM program will learn about and participate in cutting-edge research that explores ways in which to make STEM education more effective, inclusive, and transformative. The overall focus of the program is to ensure that all learners have an equitable opportunity to learn. Our faculty are involved in research across a range of topics, including how people learn core ideas and practices in STEM, how the nature of learning environments affects STEM student access, opportunity, and identity, the preparation and professional development of STEM teachers, and the role of STEM learning in informal spaces.
Please note: Required STEM Ed Core and Advanced Topics courses must be taken for a letter grade. Other coursework (including content courses, research methods, and supporting coursework) may be taken as credit/no credit with instructor permission. However, no more than 20% of a student’s program of work (no more than 9 credit hours for Ph.D. students; no more than 6 credit hours for master’s students) can be taken as credit/no credit.

Studies engineering and STEM higher education, including faculty, graduate students and undergraduates.

Explores the intersection of the sociopolitical and mathematical lives of children with a focus on identity and learning.

Investigates intersections of race, language, and mathematics through the experiences of Latinx students learning and doing mathematics.
Research explores the intersections of multilingualism, scientific sensemaking, and teacher education, with a specific focus on the ways multilingual students engage in science practices through translanguaging.

Focuses on the ways students learn in science courses using computational modeling.

Engages humanizing research approaches to examine equity-focused PK-16 STEM teaching and learning across urban contexts with a focus on Black girls.
Focuses on the social construction of gender and racial/ethnic inequality in educational opportunities and experiences in STEM fields from a sociological perspective. Methodological expertise in quantitative research methods and analyses of large sca...

Studies the ways culturally and linguistically diverse groups of people use disciplinary the core ideas and practices of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to explain phenomena or to solve problems that are meaningful and consequ...

Teaches preservice K-12 teachers how to teach meaningful STEM content in innovative, student- and community-centered ways.

Dr.Yeh's research examines the intersections of race, language, and disability to provide a more nuanced analysis of the constructions of ability in mathematics classrooms and mathematics education systems. Her scholarship centers on partnerships wit...
Prerequisites for Admission
Prerequisites for admission to the doctoral degree program are a baccalaureate or master’s degree and prior coursework in one or more STEM fields. The amount of prior coursework expected depends upon the student’s grades and area of interest. Teaching experience is highly desired.
Admission into the doctoral program is not automatic for STEM Masters graduates. A STEM Master’s student applies to the doctoral program by completing the full application process. This requires submission of three letters of recommendation (as many as possible from professors on our faculty attesting to your ability to fulfill the requirements for a Ph.D.), transcripts, and a personal statement. The personal statement should address why you want to pursue a Ph.D., what you plan to research, which faculty members you wish to work with on research and why, and what you anticipate doing with a Ph.D.
Graduate students wanting to pursue a degree in STEM Education will matriculate once a year, during the fall semester. Graduate students may transfer from other programs within the Graduate School to a degree plan in STEM Education. In order to transfer, students must apply to and be recommended for admission into the GPSME. Transfer student applications from other programs in the Graduate School will be handled in a manner consistent with the policies established above for regular applicants. In addition, students should follow current Graduate School policies regarding transferring to UT.
NOTE: Those of you applying to the STEM Education program should select STEM Education (32800) for your major.
Application Guidelines
As a prospective student, you are required to apply to the Graduate School at UT Austin. Here, you will input your biographical information, resume/CV, statement of purpose, transcripts and letters of recommendation. We strongly encourage you to start this process well in advance of the deadline to allow us enough time to process your information.
NOTE: Those applying to the STEM Education program should select STEM Education (32800) for your major.
Program Requirements
A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution in the U.S.; or proof of equivalent training at a foreign institution.
A minimum GPA of 3.0, particularly during the last two years of college and in any previous graduate study. The department will consider applications with lower GPAs. If you feel that your grade point averages or test scores are not valid indicators of your ability, please wait till you have submitted your application and upload a miscellaneous document explaining your concerns.
We also consider teaching experience as a criterion during the admission process. EC-16 teaching experience, especially among underserved populations, is preferred by most program areas.
Application Status
Once all application materials are uploaded and completed, the Graduate School will refer your application to the department. This initial review process by the grad school will take about 1 – 2 weeks, so be sure to have everything turned in well in advance of the deadlines.
After Your Decision
Applicants may be admitted, admitted with conditions, or denied admission. Learn more on the Graduate School website.
Contact Stephen Flynn, our departmental Graduate Admissions Coordinator, with any questions regarding C&I or STEM Education admissions.
Please also see General Guidelines from the Graduate School.
Course Requirements
- Core courses: 12 hours
- STEM content courses: 12 hours
- Research Methodology courses: 12 hours
- Research Practicum: 9 hours
- Advanced Topics courses: 6 hours
- Supporting course work: 6 hours
- Dissertation: 6 hours
- Total: 63 hours
Core Courses: 12 hours
All doctoral students are required to take four core courses:
- STM 385 Knowing & Learning in STEM Education
- STM 386 Curriculum History and Development in STEM Education
- STM 390-1 Equity in STEM Education
- STM 390-2 Research on Teaching and Teacher Development in STEM Education
STEM Content Courses: 12 hours
Students must take a minimum of 12 hours of courses in one or more STEM content areas. This requirement is waived for students who have a master’s degree in Science, Math, Engineering, or Computer Science. Other kinds of degrees or course work are considered on a case-by-case basis.
If students are preparing to teach at the post-secondary level, they will be advised to study one particular discipline in depth. If they are preparing to work at the elementary or secondary level, a broader program of study is recommended.
Research Methodology Courses: 12 hours
A minimum of 12 hours of courses in research methodology is required. All students must enroll in a qualitative and a quantitative course or courses sufficient for competent technical review of manuscript articles and proposals.
In addition, students must have a methodology specialty that will be used in dissertation research. A course in program evaluation can also be used to satisfy this requirement.
Students who enter the program with a Master’s degree in Education will have one, 3-hour Research Methodology Course waived.
- EDC 385R Introduction to Quantitative Research Design
Other course choices for this requirement must be approved by the Graduate Advisor - AND EDC 386R Introduction to Qualitative Research; other course choices for this requirement must be approved by the Graduate Advisor.
Two Advanced Research Courses—either Quantitative, Qualitative or Mixed-Methods. Courses that meet this requirement are at the consent of the student’s Faculty Advisor and the Graduate Advisor.
Examples of Advanced Quantitative Research Choices
- EDC 387R 3-Survey Research Methods
- EDC 387R 4-Mixed Methods Design-Based Research
- ELP 392P Advanced Quantitative Research Design
Examples of Advanced Qualitative Research Choices
- EDC 388R 1-Narrative and Oral Tradition
- EDC 388R 2-Discourse Analysis
- EDC 388R 3-Ethnographic and Qualitative Research methods
Research Practicum (9 hours)
- STM 396 T* Directed Research in STEM Education (9 hours)
Note: These 9 credit hours are to be completed over the course of at least three different semesters.
One course (3 hrs) is a content- Specific Education Course; students choose a content area in which they want to focus in terms of education research (e.g. math education, science education, physics education, engineering education) and sign up for an independent study to work with a faculty member to read key research in the field. Recommended that students do this the summer of their first year or beginning of the second year. For the remaining two courses (6 hours total, but to be taken in separate semesters), students join and actively participate in a faculty member’s research working group. Recommended that students enroll in these courses during the second year of coursework.
Advanced Topics Courses: 6 hours
Faculty will provide regular advanced topic courses on special areas of interest or on emerging areas of research. These courses appear under the STM 390T heading in the online course schedule.
Students who enter the program with a Master’s degree in Education will have one 3-hour Advanced Topics Course waived.
Supporting Courses: 6 hours
Students are expected to broaden and deepen their program of work through taking a variety of related course work consonant with their scholarly interests, in consultation with a graduate adviser.
Students who enter the program with a Master’s degree in Education will have one 3-hour Supporting Course waived.
Dissertation: Minimum 6 hours
Students are required to continuously register for at least three credits of dissertation once they have advanced to candidacy.
You must register in X99W (399, 699, or 999W) in each semester of candidacy until you graduate.
Please Note: Students receiving fellowships, assistantships, or other financial aid, may be required to take 9 hours of dissertation credit each semester.
Research Methodology Requirements
- EDC 385R Introduction to Quantitative Research Design
Other course choices for this requirement must be approved by the Graduate Advisor
- AND EDC 386R Introduction to Qualitative Research; other course choices for this requirement must be approved by the Graduate Advisor.
Two Advanced Research Courses—either Quantitative, Qualitative or Mixed-Methods. Students should meet with their individual Faculty Advisor or the STEM Education Graduate Advisor to select these courses.
Additional Resources
Program Starts: Fall
Deadline to Apply:
December 31
Credit Hours Required: 63
Schedule: Flexible
Program Location: On Campus
GRE Required? No

Program Area Coordinator, Advisor
Catherine Riegle-Crumb
Let us know what your academic interests are within the College of Education and we’ll be in touch.