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Doctoral Student Wins Prestigious Award for Digital Literacy Research in Elementary Schools
Dec. 21, 2018
Congratulations to Hsiao-Ping Hsu for receiving two awards from the Association for Educational Communications and Technology!

Curriculum and Instruction Assistant Professor Awarded the Big XII Faculty Fellowship
Dec. 21, 2018
Assistant Professor Katherina Payne in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in Social Studies Education won the Big XII Faculty Fellowship and traveled to Iowa State University to work with her colleague, Associate Professor Katy Swalwell, at Iowa State University. Payne’s research and teaching…

Arterial Health Discovery Minute
Dec. 21, 2018
Join Professor Hirofumi Tanaka as he explains what hardening of the arteries is, why it is an important indicator of aging, and what can be done to maintain arterial health.

Susana Alemán
Dec. 18, 2018
Susana Alemán, who holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the College of Education and a doctor of jurisprudence degree from UT Law, is a loyal and dedicated alumna. She

Terrance Green: Why Texas school districts should rethink shutdowns
Dec. 18, 2018
Assistant Professor Terrance Green explains how school closures can negatively impact student academics in an op-ed for the Houston Chronicle.

Special Education Professor Christian Doabler’s Work on Mathematics Intervention Receives Recognition
Dec. 13, 2018
The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) cited Department of Special Education Assistant Professor Christian Doabler’s work in its recently released Companion Guidelines on Replication and Reproducibility in Education Research. Published in collaboration with the National Science Foundation (NSF),…

Tolga Ozyurtcu Appointed to North American Society for Sport History Executive Committee
Dec. 11, 2018
Kinesiology and Health Education's Tolga Ozyurtcu has been appointed to the North American Society for Sport History's executive committee.

To Improve Community College Transfer in Texas, Students Need Better Information
Dec. 10, 2018
Assistant Professors Huriya Jabbar and Lauren Schudde and Doctoral Student Andrea Chevalier co-author policy brief informing policymakers on the need for better information on Texas transfer policies for students.

Somos Escritoras: We Are Writers
Dec. 04, 2018
"My students and their families have important stories to share," says Assistant Professor Tracey Flores, "and writing has the power to build community and solidarity."

PHEL Doctoral Student Selected as Faculty for NASPA Dungy Leadership Institute
Nov. 28, 2018
Justin Samuel has been selected to serve as a faculty for the nationally recognized NASPA Dungy Leadership Institute.