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KHE Professor Keryn Pasch receives ECPN John B. Reid Early Career Award
Jul. 01, 2016

KHE student Jen Lee Recognized at Ceremony 'Honoring America’s Wounded Warfighter'
May. 18, 2016
Jen Lee is a Junior at UT, majoring in Sport Management. Before becoming a student at UT, he served as a member of the Army World Class Athlete Program (2012-2015).

Small Storytellers, Big Screen
May. 16, 2016
UT College of Education professors and students help young directors debut film shorts

UT College of Education Professor Wins Prestigious Fellowship for the Second Time
May. 05, 2016
Huriya Jabbar will extend school choice research, study market-based reform effects on teacher labor market

New Master’s Degree in Special Education with Teacher Certification
May. 01, 2016
UT College of Education’s Top-Ranked Department of Special Education Launches New Master’s in Special Education (High-Incidence Disabilities) with Teacher Certification The University of Texas at Austin College of Education’s top-ranked Department of Special Education now offers two master’s degrees in special education with specialization in High-Incidence Disabilities. The first option is a…

Cooc awarded grant to study transition issues in children with disabilities
Apr. 28, 2016
North Cooc has received a $119,000 grant from the Foundation for Child Development’s Young Scholars Program. The two-year project will examine the training and qualifications of early childhood special education teachers (pre-k) and the transition practices used to help young children with disabilities adjust to kindergarten…

Bukoski Wins NASPA Student Affairs Award
Apr. 28, 2016
Beth Bukoski The National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Region III has awarded Beth Bukoski, clinical assistant professor and assistant program coordinator in the Department of Educational Administration, with its Outstanding Contribution to Student Affairs through Teaching award. NASPA chose Bukoski based on her nomination by…

Curriculum and Instruction Professor Paul Resta Receives International Award
Apr. 27, 2016
Paul Resta presented WFATE Award for Global Contributions to Teacher Education.

A&DD Students’ Performance on BACB Exam Exceeds National Average
Apr. 24, 2016
The Behavior Analyst Certification Board recently published pass-rate data for approved course sequences for the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) certification exam. 76% of first-time test takers who qualified for the exam by completing the Department of Special Education Autism and Developmental Disabilities BCBA course sequence passed the BCBA exam.

Powell Receives Award for Best Practice Article
Mar. 24, 2016
Dr. Sarah Powell, Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Education, has been selected to receive the Samuel A. Kirk award for Learning Disabilities Research & Practice during 2015. In the article, Powell and her co-author (Dr. Lynn Fuchs from Vanderbilt University) provide educators with essential elements of mathematics instruction…