
Curriculum and Instruction News

Anthony and Keffrelyn Brown: By Time Martin Luther King Jr. was Murdered, Civility Had Already Left the Room
Apr. 03, 2018
Associate Professors Anthony and Keffrelyn Brown comment on the narrative of incivility within social justice movements.

Argument Driven Engineering Discovery Minute
Mar. 29, 2018
Victor Sampson discusses how Argument Driven Engineering can introduce more students to engineering through the math courses they already take.

Curriculum and Instruction Associate Professor Honored With AERA Division K Midcareer Award
Mar. 23, 2018
C&I Associate Professor Anthony Brown receives Division K Midcareer Award for his significant contribution to the overlooked area of education involving Black male teachers and Black male students.

Curriculum and Instruction Associate Professor Wins President's Associates Teaching Excellence Award
Mar. 23, 2018
Awarded annually to recognize excellence in undergrauduate education in the core curriculum, Curriculum and Instruction Associate Professor Anthony Brown has been selected for the award. 

College of Education Alumna Wins Mabel Lee Award
Feb. 22, 2018
Erin Centeio, who earned her Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction for The University of Texas at Austin’s College of Education, is one of the recipients of the 2018 Mabel Lee award.

UT College of Education Assistant Professor Receives NSF CAREER Grant
Jan. 29, 2018
Vakil, who is also the Associate Director of Equity and Inclusion in STEM Education at the College of Education at the University of Texas at Austin, is researching social values and ideologies of undergraduate students

Anthony Brown: Memory and Racism
Jan. 03, 2018

Rebecca Callahan Demonstrates How Educators Can Build on the Civic Potential of Immigrant Youth in American Educator Article
Dec. 13, 2017
Rebecca Callahan pens article titled "Fully Realizing the Civic Potential of Immigrant Youth"

Curriculum and Instruction Graduate Students’ Project Places Third in Prestigious Competition
Dec. 11, 2017
Two graduate students in the Learning Technologies program of the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Hsiao-Ping Hsu and Wenting Ellen Zou, and Associate Professor Joan Hughes in collaboration with two schools, teachers, and students in Taiwan, have placed third in the 2018 Reimagine Education Awards Competition, hosted by…

Christopher Brown and Doctoral Student Receive Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education Article of the Year Award
Nov. 21, 2017
Curriculum and Instruction Professor Chris Brown awarded for article “Conceptions of and Early Childhood Educators’ Experiences in Early Childhood Professional Development Programs: A Qualitative Metasynthesis."