
In the Media News

Richard Reddick: Higher Education is Growing Burden for American Families
Nov. 23, 2019
"We should not get comfortable with a normal that has students wishing and hoping for chance encounters with the wealthy so their college dreams can become reality — for all of our benefit," says Reddick.

David DeMatthews and Joshua Childs: What the Next Education Secretary Must Do
Oct. 16, 2019
Educational Leadership and Policy faculty David DeMatthews and Joshua Childs outline what the next Education Secretary must do.

Terrance Green: The School Closure
Oct. 07, 2019
Is closing schools what’s best for children? Associate Professor Terrance Green explains four things every person needs to know about school closures in an op-ed for Psychology Today.

Matt Bowers: Do Kids Benefit from Recess?
Aug. 25, 2019
Does recess have long-term benefits for kids? Learn why Assistant Professor Matt Bowers says yes.

David DeMatthews: Stop Blaming Public Schools for Everything Awful
Aug. 09, 2019
When it comes to society’s problems, politicians always seem to place at least some blame on public schools, scapegoating them for social issues that politicians themselves fail to address.

School Psychology Doctoral Candidate Receives Moore Fellowship from the Hogg Foundation
Jul. 29, 2019
Abby Bailin, school psychology doctoral candidate, has received the Henry E. And Bernice M. Moore Fellowship from the Hogg Foundation for her dissertation research.

Doctoral Candidate Jessica Fry on The Trauma of ‘Go Back’: Calling Out Racism in Full
Jul. 18, 2019

David DeMatthews: School Finance Reform Law Marks the Starting Point, Not the Finish Line
Jun. 17, 2019
Associate Professor David DeMatthews explains that House Bill 3 is a starting point for funding education in Texas and discusses other changes that now must follow in an op-ed for the Austin-American Statesman.

STEM Education Faculty and Graduate Student Interviewed by NPR Marketplace
Jun. 12, 2019
Professor Anthony Petrosino and graduate student Maya Denton discuss their research and how they are getting students engaged in STEM with NPR Marketplace.

Richard Reddick: Integration progress incomplete 65 years after Brown
May. 19, 2019