
In the Media News

Aaron Rochlen: A Positive and Refined Masculinity
Feb. 12, 2018
NFL-produced advertisement loosens up the playbook of masculinity

Anthony Brown: Memory and Racism
Jan. 03, 2018

Kristin Neff Featured in NY Times for her Research on Self-Compassion
Dec. 28, 2017

Kevin Cokley in CBS News: What is Impostor Syndrome? Michelle Obama says she has it, and 'It Doesn't Go Away'
Dec. 05, 2017

Anthony Brown and Claudia Cervantes-Soon's Books Selected for Critics Choice Award by the American Educational Studies Association
Oct. 16, 2017

Angela Valenzuela: The Numbers Won’t Speak for Themselves
Sep. 13, 2017

Germine Awad: How Trump’s Comments May Actually Help Race Relations in the U.S.
Aug. 18, 2017
President Donald Trump’s slowness to condemn the violence in Charlottesville, Va., and then subsequent comments where he stated there was blame on both sides, produced outrage—and rightly so.

Richard Reddick: Public support for college is slipping. Why that’s trouble.
Jul. 21, 2017
Pew Research Center found that during the past year, Republicans perceiving higher education in a negative light has increased 13 percentage points.

Associate Professor Jennifer Adair and Alumnus Bavu Blakes Featured on Blackademics
Jun. 14, 2017
Bavu Blakes Two members of the College of Education community were featured recently on KLRU’s Blackademics TV.  Alumnus Bavu Blakes, M.Ed. ’17, opened the program with a talk about efforts in Manor Independent School District to address and celebrate the increase in diversity that the district has…

Kevin Cokley: Race Relations in Texas Still a Work in Progress
Apr. 10, 2017