UT Austin Teacher Preparation Programs

Educator Programs and Certification

The University of Texas at Austin provides several paths to those of you who want to become teachers. All of these paths have two steps in common:

  1. choosing a major in a specific field and
  2. completing a professional development sequence specifically designed to prepare you for the classroom.

Several colleges offer programs that may lead to a recommendation for teacher certification. Regardless of the path you take and the college you choose, you will need to follow the steps to becoming a teacher to obtain the recommendation to sit for certification exams. 

Preparation programs are offered for undergraduates, non-degree-seeking post-baccalaureates and graduate master’s students. Use the tables below to determine the school and major that may lead to your desired teacher certification.

Bachelor’s Options

Elementary School (Early Childhood through Grade 6)

I Want to TeachI Need to Major inIn the College of
Elementary Core Subjects/Generalist (ESL)EC-6th Grade English as a Second Language Core Subjects/GeneralistEducation
Elementary Bilingual Core Subjects/GeneralistEC-6th Grade Bilingual Core Subjects/GeneralistEducation

Secondary School (Grades 7 – 12)

I Want to TeachI Need to Major inIn the College of
Computer ScienceComputer ScienceNatural Sciences
Dance (6 – 12th grade)DanceFine Arts
English Language Arts & ReadingEducation – Youth and Community Studies
(Also see UTeach Urban Teachers)
Content area, e.g., English
Liberal Arts
Life SciencesBiologyNatural Sciences
MathematicsMathNatural Sciences
Mathematics/PhysicsMath or PhysicsNatural Sciences
Physical ScienceChemistry or PhysicsNatural Sciences
Science CompositeBiology, Chemistry, Physics or GeologyNatural Sciences
Social StudiesEducation  – Youth and Community Studies
(Also see UTeachUrban Teachers)
Content Area
Liberal Arts

All-level (Early Childhood through Grade 12)

I Want to TeachI Need to Major inIn the College of
Special EducationEducation – All-level Special EducationEducation
Art, Music or TheatreArt, Music or TheatreFine Arts
Languages Other Than EnglishThe language you wish to teachLiberal Arts

Postbaccalaureate Non-Degree Options

I Want to TeachI Need to Major inIn the College of
Elementary Core Subjects/Generalist (ESL)EC-6th Grade English as a Second Language Core Subjects/GeneralistEducation – Longhorns in Residence Program
Elementary Bilingual Core Subjects/GeneralistEC-6th Grade Bilingual Core Subjects/Generalist
A new program plan will be available soon.
English Language ArtsUrban Teacher English Language Arts or 
UTeach Liberal Arts in English
Education (7th-12th grades) or
Liberal Arts (4th-8th or 7th-12th grades)
Social StudiesUrban Teacher Social Studies or
UTeach Liberal Arts in Social Studies
Education (7th-12th grades) or
Liberal Arts (4th-8th or 7th-12th grades)
Art, Music, Theatre or Dance Art, Music, Theatre or DanceFine Arts
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Math or Computer Science (7th-12th grades)The subject you wish to teachNatural Sciences
Languages Other Than English (All-level)The language you wish to teachLiberal Arts

Master’s Options

I Want to TeachI Need to Major inIn the College of
English Language Arts (7th-12th grades)Urban Teachers M.Ed. in Secondary English and Language ArtsEducation
Social Studies (7th-12th grades)Urban Teachers M.Ed. in Secondary Social StudiesEducation

Each program offers on-level certification. Not all levels are available through all programs.

  • Early Childhood to Sixth Grade Certification: for teaching pre-kindergarten through sixth grade.
  • Secondary Certification: for teaching seventh through twelfth grade.
  • All-level Certification: for teaching pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade.

Contact Information

Education Services Office
Dr. Katie Tackett, Director
​Shannon Hewgley, Certification Officer 
Sánchez Building, 244
1912 Speedway
Austin, TX 78712