Noah De Lissovoy, associate professor in the College of Education at the University of Texas at Austin, and co-authors Alexander Means of the University at Buffalo and Kenneth Saltman of the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth have received an outstanding book award from the Society of Professors of Education.
The book, “Toward a New Common School Movement,” traces the history of the struggles over public schooling in the United States and argues that corporate reforms fail due to profiteering, corruption, and educational inequalities. The authors argue that recovering elements of the radical progressive educational tradition and developing a new language more suitable to the challenges of the global era are needed to combat the latest assault on public schools.
The Society of Professors of Education (SPE) is a professional and academic association for those engaged in teacher preparation, curriculum studies, educational foundations, and related activities. The society’s primary goal is to provide a forum for consideration of major issues, tasks, problems, and challenges confronting professional educators.