Brett Valdez, BS ’06

Entrepreneur and Co-Founder

The college made me aware of the challenges and complexities in the teaching industry as far as credentialing and having the right pieces to fit a teacher to the right ISD and school. Mixing and matching certifications and experiences can be extremely difficult. That’s what led me to create Sophosi – a software tool to match teachers and coaches with schools.

Brett Valdez


How did your program in the College of Education prepare you?

The college made me aware of the challenges and complexities in the teaching industry as far as credentialing and having the right pieces to fit the right ISD and school. The college allowed me to see how many different subjects, sports, sciences, and arts someone can teach. Mixing and matching those certifications and experiences can be extremely difficult. That’s what led me to create Sophosi—a software tool to match teachers and coaches with schools.

Are there particular courses or projects during your time at UT that stand out?

I hate to sound cliche, but nearly every class had value. Basic core classes were all challenging and rewarding. One of the most memorable staff members during my time at Texas would be [Assistant Dean] Richard Hogeda. The UT football staff were all really great to me while I was at UT, but Richard stands out as someone who always checked on me. He supported me then and in the years since.

School Organization and Classroom Management was particularly impactful. However, I know that I learn best when I am learning from others, so the most valuable part for me was interning and student teaching in classrooms at Cowan Elementary.

What do you like most about your work?

Two things stand out: building something you have true passion for; and the freedom to figure out how to make it work, putting together the early team with the same vision and goals.

What has been most surprising to you about your career path?

It really is interesting to sit back and think about the different paths one takes as they go down their life journey. I have taken many and I have learned from them all!