In a special issue of Intervention in School and Clinic, Volume 59(1), Jessica Toste, associate professor in the Department of Special Education and a fellow of the Reading Institute within The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk, served as a guest editor along with Esther Lindström, assistant professor at Lehigh University.
In addition to being a guest editor, Toste along with Christine Espin, professor at Leiden University, and Marissa Filderman, assistant professor at The University of Alabama, co-authored a new research article published in the issue.
The collection of articles in the issue was written by and for teacher educators, with the express purpose of informing the design and delivery of special education reading methods courses.
Toste’s research article describes the use of simulated data teams to build capacity for data-based instruction (DBI) among pre-service teachers in an undergraduate-level course focused on intensive reading intervention. This practice was developed by Toste for her own courses at UT Austin.