Research, Impact and Achievements: July 2024

Curriculum and Instruction

Za’Tayvia HayesB.S. ’23, Youth and Community Studies

Za’Tayvia Hayes has been named a 2024 Southern Education Leadership Initiative Fellow by the Southern Education Foundation. Hayes, whose degree is in Youth and Community Studies: UT Urban Teachers Social Studies, is one of 14 fellows who will be placed at educational institution, non-profit or state agency across the country to work on issues related to equity in education. She is working at the Equity Assistance Center-South, which focuses on assisting public schools and school districts in providing students with equitable opportunities in the areas of race, religion, sex and national origin.

The Southern Education Leadership Initiative is a program founded 20 years ago by the Southern Education Foundation. It offers eight-week, paid fellowship opportunities for emerging leaders in the fields of racial and educational access equity.

Educational Leadership and Policy

Lauren SchuddeAssociate Professor

Dr. Lauren Schudde will release a book this fall examining the successes and failures of systems that support student transfers between public postsecondary institutions. The book, titled Discredited: Power, Privilege, and Community College Transfer, it set to be released on September 3 and will take a deep dive into the issues that prospective students face with transfer pathways from community colleges to four-year institutions.

Dr. Schudde authored the book with co-author Dr. Huriya Jabbar, a faculty member at the USC Rossier School of Education. Their work is based on hundreds of interviews with students and personnel and data from a six-year longitudinal study in Texas. Readers can pre-order the book online.