The College of Education, with guidance and support from the COE Staff Advisory Committee, hosted its first-ever All Staff Session last month to recognize, celebrate and inspire its talented staff. Their dedication, loyalty and professionalism continue to make the college one of the best in the nation.
Every day, staff invest their time and energy to advancing the college’s mission and long-term goals to transform education, health and sport in ways that enrich student outcomes and positively impact the community.
Amid a sea of burnt orange, and the occasional Longhorn bellow, more than 250 staff members gathered to share and exchange ideas, connect and collaborate with colleagues, expand their networks and explore professional development and career engagement — one of the session’s key objectives.
College of Education Dean Charles Martinez, Jr. walked onto the stage to address the audience as Walk by the Foo Fighters played in the background. The song, one of the Dean’s favorites, carries a fitting message about learning to walk again as the demands of work shift and evolve in response to the college’s vision and mission.
According to Dean Martinez, this event could not have come at a better time in light of today’s significant challenges to education and health, both in Texas and across the country.

With so many changes and challenges to respond to in our work, many of you may be experiencing a sense of being untethered or feeling unsure about how we will navigate ahead, and that will be in the room with us today,
Dean Martinez said. But, this college continues to not just endure but thrive, no matter the challenges we face together.
Staff members reinvested in their work through interactive presentations, table discussions centered on COE successes and priorities, and participation in fun contests with prizes. They also explored the Connection Café Resource Fair, a welcoming space where volunteers offered ways to connect more deeply around shared interests and goals or to build and enhance their knowledge and skills.
Reflecting on the past five years of the college’s Reimagine Education strategic plan, Dean Martinez, Senior Associate Dean Beth Maloch, and other associate deans highlighted successes in signature impact areas and annual priorities. These included advancements in undergraduate and graduate student recruitment, staff retention and morale, innovative academic programs, faculty support and the extraordinary impact of faculty research in Texas and beyond.
Although Austin and Texas provide many employment opportunities, you’re here at UT because it’s more than a job,
the Dean said. For so many of our staff members, there’s a connection to our mission and purpose that inspires, something in our hearts about what we’re delivering to transform lives and support the thriving of kids, families and communities.

Right before the session concluded, staff were surprised by a visit from Hook ’Em and members of the Longhorn Spirit Squad. Attendees left the event with a renewed sense of community and strength, with 98% of end-of-session survey respondents reporting they felt more connected to their colleagues and the college’s mission.
At the core, when I think of the enduring strength of our college, I look to you,
said Dean Martinez.

View more photos from the College of Education All Staff Session