
All News

Richard Reddick: Defeating Coronavirus Means Confronting Racial Discrimination
Apr. 15, 2020

Associate Professor Jennifer Adair Provides Tips for Balanced Learning With Your Young Kids at Home
Apr. 13, 2020

Toni Falbo on the Effects of Quarantine and the Only Child
Apr. 10, 2020

Addressing Worries about Academic Impact of Online Learning Featuring Jennifer Adair
Apr. 10, 2020

Review of Education Research Features article by Toste and Peng
Apr. 08, 2020
The Department of Special Education’s Jessica Toste, assistant professor, and Peng Peng, assistant professor, have had an article accepted in Review of Education Research. The article is titled, “A Meta-Analytic Review of the Relations Between Motivation and Reading Achievement for K-12 Students.” Co-authors are Lisa Didion, Marissa J.

Lisa Sigafoos: Adults With Disabilities Have Been Overlooked During COVID-19
Apr. 03, 2020

Following Up on This Week’s Town Halls
Mar. 27, 2020
Dear College of Education Community, Thank you for making the time to participate in any of our three recent College Town Hall virtual meetings for faculty, staff, and students. It was wonderful to see so many of our college community members together, and hopefully, the information shared gave you more…

Update for Education Student Teachers
Mar. 27, 2020
This semester has been quite a whirlwind. We have never experienced anything like this in our lifetimes, and you are experiencing this during your final student teaching semester. We have been thinking about you a lot over the last several weeks, and we have appreciated your flexibility, commitment, and persistence…

Update: City of Austin Order
Mar. 25, 2020
Dear College of Education Faculty and Staff, As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, “Stay Home—Work Safe” orders have been issued for the City of Austin, Travis County, and Williamson County. This is being done to help flatten the curve and mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.

Information for Texas Student Interns I, II and III
Mar. 23, 2020
At this time you will not be returning to your placements the week of March 30. Your placements are suspended whether or not your schools are open until further notice. Your coordinator or field supervisor will be informing your cooperating teachers and principals. We know that you have developed relationships…