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Update from COE Undergraduate Advising
Mar. 19, 2020
In light of the recent messages from President Fenves’ and our own Dean, Dean Martinez, surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on our campus, I wanted to send you all a note about how the Student Division will available to support you during this changing time.  With classes resuming on…

Update for Education Student Teachers
Mar. 18, 2020
This update is in response to President Fenves’ announcement yesterday about student housing. In it, he said “Starting on March 30, the university will be moving all spring semester classes online. We are asking students not to return to campus this semester unless there is a specific need. This decision has been made…

Update on Plans Following UT’s Move to Online Classes for Remainder of Semester
Mar. 17, 2020
The announcement from President Fenves this afternoon indicates a shift in how we will work together to serve our students for the remainder of this spring semester. The shift emphasizes that, beginning March 30, UT will be moving all spring semester classes online (with a few exceptions related to clinical…

Update for Education Student Teachers
Mar. 16, 2020
Today we learned that Austin Independent School District (AISD) and most of our local school districts have canceled classes through April 3.  You still should return to your placement when your schools open for classes if the school is accepting non-staff on campus. However, your cooperating teachers may be required to report to…

Research Proposal, Submission and Award Management FAQs from Alex Loukas
Mar. 16, 2020
We’ve received communication from the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) regarding proposal submission and award management issues that may arise in relation to COVID-19. I’m sending this to you for distribution to faculty/staff as necessary. In addition to the OSP FAQ page, I’m including links to the Vice President of Research IRB…

Aaron Rochlen The Loss of the Handshake is an Opportunity for Connection
Mar. 16, 2020

Aaron Rochlen: The Loss of the Handshake is an Opportunity for Connection
Mar. 16, 2020

Dean Martinez on College Operations March 16-27
Mar. 15, 2020
This email is a follow-up from the announcement by President Fenves earlier about campus operations beginning tomorrow, Monday, March 16. To provide clarity, and following the spirit of President Fenves’ message: The University of Texas at Austin campus is continuing its essential operations and core functions.Wherever possible, staff who can…

A Letter from Dean Charles Martinez about COVID-19
Mar. 12, 2020
By now, you have likely read President Fenves’s March 11th email to campus indicating the extension of spring break for students by one week, and institutional efforts to increase social distancing measures in response to the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Leaders at UT and within the College of Education have been monitoring…

Exercise Science Undergrads Win ACSM Texas Chapter’s Student Bowl
Mar. 09, 2020
Exercise science majors Cameron Vaughan, Hayden Rich, and Maria Hadjimarcou in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education (KHE) edged out 35 teams from schools across Texas to win the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Texas Chapter’s Student Bowl. The Student Bowl is a Jeopardy-style competition where teams of…