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PHEL Alumna Wins American Association of Blacks in Higher Education Dissertation of the Year
Apr. 08, 2019
Tracie Lowe, Ph.D. ’18, alumna from the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy’s Higher Education Leadership program, is the AAABHE 2019 Dissertation of the Year winner.

ELP Alumnus Makes Forbes 30 Under 30 List in Education
Apr. 08, 2019
As the assistant superintendent for the Office of Strategy and Innovation in HISD, Jharrett Bryantt leads a number of high-priority initiatives for the district.

E-cigarettes and Youth Discovery Minute
Apr. 04, 2019
Join Professor Alexandra Loukas as she discusses the alarming jump in e-cigarette use within the past year among high school and middle school age students.

David DeMathews: Students with Disabilities Could Lose with COVID-19 Stimulus Package
Mar. 29, 2019

The Power of Prediction
Mar. 29, 2019
The Health & Integrative Physiology (HIP) Lab focuses on identifying biomarkers that can predict those at increased risk for these diseases or those individuals more likely to progress to serious complications.

KHE Faculty and Student Interviewed About Easy Exercises to Feel Great
Mar. 27, 2019
Learn some easy exercise moves that will help to eliminate aches and pains from Kinesiology and Health Education Associate Professor of Instruction Dixie Stanforth and graduate student Kelsey Graham.

Richard Reddick: The 'opportunity hoarding' behind the college admissions scandal
Mar. 18, 2019
Associate Professor Rich Reddick explains that, "this kind of behavior exacerbates inequality by denying opportunities for low-income students to access these networks" in an op-ed for the Houston Chronicle.

The Truth That I Owe You: Understanding the Social Contexts of Race and Gender in Literacy Education
Mar. 06, 2019
An ED Talk by David Kirkland, associate professor of English and Urban Education and executive director of the NYU Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools.

A Problem Hidden in Plain Sight: Forum on Chronic Absenteeism
Feb. 28, 2019
Each year, nearly 7.5 million students are chronically absent – missing 10% or more of the school year. How should researchers, policymakers, and educators address chronic absenteeism and its effects on students? 

More Than Just a Walk Around the Block
Feb. 28, 2019
Curriculum and Instruction Clinical Associate Professor Haydée Rodriguez takes a group of pre-service bilingual/bicultural education students on community walks to help the students learn about their students' lives.