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Thomas Hunt Receives Retrospective Article Award from the Journal of Sport History
Aug. 11, 2017
  Kinesiology and Health Education Associate Professor Thomas Hunt has received the Best Article of the Year Award from the Journal for Sport History. The award is a retrospective honor, looking back on the best articles published by the journal for each year from 1974. Hunt was selected as the 2006 winner…

Anthony and Keffrelyn Brown Interviewed on Teachers College Record's The Voice
Aug. 09, 2017
Kefferlyn and Anthony Brown discuss how racism has existed in textbooks from the reconstruction era to present day

Is Kindergarten Becoming All Work and No Play?
Aug. 09, 2017
For children, play is more than a tool for creativity; it is an essential mechanism by which kids learn. That’s why experts like Christopher Brown are alarmed by the sharp reduction in play time.

Carole Holahan Receives Grant to Study Associated Health Risks of Living with a Smoker
Aug. 03, 2017
The study will focus on middle aged women, who are at risk of passive smoking effects

Alumna honored with teacher educator award from the International Literacy Association’s
Aug. 03, 2017

Making a Case for Ethnic Studies in Texas Schools
Jul. 31, 2017
Mural by Raul Valdez, c. 1978 at the Pan American Recreation Center at Zavala Elementary, in Austin, Texas. Recent research has found that students who participate in ethnic studies classes show improved academic performance and a higher attendance rate. Students benefit from seeing their culture and ethnic…

Kevin Cokley: Australian woman's death reveals the human toll of a police shooting
Jul. 26, 2017
The death of Justine Damond is another tragic incident in what seems to be a never-ending cycle of senseless, fatal police shootings in the United States.

Christopher Brown: The Future Of Kindergarten Is Less Play, More Work
Jul. 22, 2017
Professor Chris Brown discusses how Kindergarten classrooms are shifting from exploration learning to more focused and regulated education, and the risks involved.

Richard Reddick: Public support for college is slipping. Why that’s trouble.
Jul. 21, 2017
Pew Research Center found that during the past year, Republicans perceiving higher education in a negative light has increased 13 percentage points.

Germine Awad: How Disney Blew a Huge Opportunity While Casting Aladdin
Jul. 21, 2017
Disney's casting of Naomi Scott to play Princess Jasmine missed an opportunity to supportively portray middle eastern women in Hollywood.