College of Education Alumna Wins Alfredo G. de los Santos, Jr. Distinguished Leadership in Higher Education Award
Feb. 21, 2018
Nora R. Garza, vice president for research development at Laredo Community College, has been selected to receive the Alfredo G. de los Santos, Jr. Distinguished Leadership in Higher Education Award.
PHEL Ph.D. Student Named President of ACUI
Dec. 05, 2017
Jennifer Zamora Jennifer Zamora, a second-year doctoral student in the Program of Higher Education Leadership in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, has been named president of the Association of College Unions International (ACUI). In addition to being a graduate student, Zamora works full-time as…
Educational Leadership and Policy Alumnus Speaks at Texas GIS Forum
Nov. 15, 2017
Joanna Sanchez This fall, 2017 alumnus Joanna Sanchez was a featured presenter at the three-day Texas GIS Forum, where she spoke about geographic information systems (GIS) and its ability to inform and provide context for educational questions. Sanchez, who earned her Ph.D. in educational leadership and policy in 2017, is…
How Educators Can Help Bridge the Political and Cultural Divide
Oct. 26, 2017
This August, Victoria M. Defrancesco Soto, currently a professor at The University of Texas at Austin, where she teaches in the Department of Mexican-American and Latino Studies, gave the keynote address for the 8th Annual Texas Higher Education Symposium. The symposium was hosted by the College of Education’s Educational Leadership and Policy…
ELP Alumnus Matt Giani Co-Edits Special Issue of Community College Review
Oct. 10, 2017
Community College Review released a special issue on transfer students to highlight new research on a key function of the community college sector during a time of enhanced focus on student outcomes. The issue was co-edited by Matt Giani, educational leadership and policy Ph.D. and research scientist for the Texas OnCourse…
Lauren Schudde, Huriya Jabbar Receive Grant to Continue Researching Perceptions of Credit Transfer Policies
Sep. 28, 2017
Lauren Schudde Lauren Schudde and Huriya Jabbar, both assistant professors in the Department Educational Leadership and Policy, have received a grant of $130,000 from the Greater Texas Foundation to study how community college students receive and use information about course credit transfer policies. In addition to…