
Kinesiology and Health Education News

Thomas Hunt Receives Retrospective Article Award from the Journal of Sport History
Aug. 11, 2017
  Kinesiology and Health Education Associate Professor Thomas Hunt has received the Best Article of the Year Award from the Journal for Sport History. The award is a retrospective honor, looking back on the best articles published by the journal for each year from 1974. Hunt was selected as the 2006 winner…

Carole Holahan Receives Grant to Study Associated Health Risks of Living with a Smoker
Aug. 03, 2017
The study will focus on middle aged women, who are at risk of passive smoking effects

Maslowsky receives NICHD Career Development Award
Jul. 17, 2017
Award will fund research focused on demography, health, and contraceptive use of repeat teenage mothers.

Terry Todd Honored with Alvin Roy Award for Career Achievement
Jul. 14, 2017
Terry Todd has been recognized for his career achievements and contributions to the field of sports conditioning and training

Stanforths Inducted as Fellows of the American College of Sports Medicine
Jun. 19, 2017
Dixie and Philip Stanforth along with past presidents of the American College of Sports Medicine Dixie and Phil Stanforth have been named fellows by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).  The ACSM fellowship recognizes significant contributions to the organization in research and service through active…

Maslowsky Chosen as a William T. Grant Foundation Scholar
May. 22, 2017
Maslowsky's project will focus on identifying developmentally and culturally appropriate strategies for reducing unplanned repeat births among Hispanic adolescents.

Geoff Rich Awarded Faculty Mentor of the Year
May. 03, 2017
Kinesiology and Health Education Teaching Specialist Geoff Rich has been awarded the Faculty Mentor of the Year by the Division of Housing and Food Service. Geoff has served as a faculty mentor for 2 semesters in the Waller Creek area dormitories. The Faculty Mentor Program provides the…

A History of Health: KHE Grad Student Paper Wins Award for Analysis of Women’s Fitness Movement
Apr. 24, 2017
Ben Pollack In the 1950s and 60s, Charles Atlas and Jack LaLanne were household names. They represented the ideals of fitness to millions and increased awareness of the benefits of a healthy diet and vigorous exercise. There is another name, not as well known, but arguably as influential: Debbie Drake. Ben…

KHE Work-Study Student Premieres Apparel at UT Fashion Show
Apr. 24, 2017
The Department of Kinesiology and Health Education would like to thank their work-study student Hailey Sellars for assisting the department for four years. Hailey is a senior textiles and apparel major and will be interning in the fashion industry in New York this summer.  As a work-study student, Hailey has been…

Professor Emeritus Dr. John Ivy Gives Keynote Presentation at Alderson Lecture and Awards Celebration
Apr. 19, 2017
Alderson Lecture Series The Alderson Lecture and Awards Celebration is an annual event that honors current faculty and students, along with a lecture relating to kinesiology and health education. The 2017 event was held on March 29th. This year’s ceremony also featured John Ivy as the keynote presenter. He put forward a…