Special Education Students’ Performance on BACB Exam Exceeds National Average
Mar. 27, 2017
The Behavior Analyst Certification Board recently published pass-rate data for approved course sequences for the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) certification exam. 82% of first-time test takers who qualified for the exam by completing the Department of Special Education Autism and Developmental Disabilities BCBA course sequence passed the BCBA exam.
Diane Pedrotty Bryant serves as guest editor for the journal TEACHING Exceptional Children
Feb. 26, 2017
Department of Special Education professor and MCPER project director, Mathematics Institute, Diane Pedrotty Bryant recently served as the guest editor for a special series on intensifying interventions for students with persistent and severe mathematics difficulties in the journal TEACHING Exceptional Children. The special series includes articles authored by prominent mathematics researchers…
Assistant Professor Christian Doabler Publishes New Math Intervention Research
Nov. 18, 2016
Department of Special Education Assistant Professor Christian Doabler recently published new research. “Testing the Efficacy of a Tier 2 Mathematics Intervention” was published in the journal, Exceptional Children. The replication study differed from the initial randomized controlled trial (Clarke et al., 2016) on three critical elements: geographical region,…
New Master’s Degree in Special Education with Teacher Certification
May. 01, 2016
UT College of Education’s Top-Ranked Department of Special Education Launches New Master’s in Special Education (High-Incidence Disabilities) with Teacher Certification The University of Texas at Austin College of Education’s top-ranked Department of Special Education now offers two master’s degrees in special education with specialization in High-Incidence Disabilities. The first option is a…