Job Search Strategies
Career Engagement
While job searching can feel challenging, there are some strategies to make it easier. Using available resources can help job seekers develop efficient plans and move the process forward.
Remember, Texas Education Career Engagement is here to help you each step of the way.
Steps for an Effective Job Search
Reflect and Assess
Reflect and Assess
The job search can be stressful, especially if you are not prepared. The first step in developing your job search plan is to reflect on “what you want to do” and the type of position that aligns with your skills, interest, values, and field of study. If you are unable to verbalize these key factors, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with your Career Engagement Coordinator.
Explore Job Opportunities and Network
Actively search for positions using HireUTexas and/or other online platforms (e.g. Indeed, ZipRecruiter, organization’s website). Utilize HookedIn to connect with UT alumni in your field of interest. Remember that our Career Fairs and events are a great way to network and explore employment opportunities.
Tailor Each Résumé and Cover Letter
Review the job description and tailor your language accordingly. Avoid using generic templates found online. Make each document tailored to the specific position for which you are applying. For more information, check out our résumé-writing page.
Review Tips for Online Applications before you begin the application process.
Practice Interviewing
Interviewing plays a key role in the selection process. Schedule a mock interview with your Career Engagement Coordinator to gain feedback on your interviewing skills. Review common interviewing questions.
If a position sounds too good to be true, it is likely a scam. Avoid Scam Job Postings.
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I begin my job search?
You should begin your job search around six months before you would like to start working.
How should I keep track of my job applications?
Use whatever organizational strategies that work best for you. For some, this is creating spreadsheets. For others, it is making checklists and writing out goals. We encourage you to save a copy of each job description for which you apply. Many sites will remove them once the application deadline has passed.
The job process is very overwhelming. What should I do to make this easier on me?
We understand that job searching can feel overwhelming. Starting early and having a realistic job search plan will help you move forward. We also recommend setting attainable goals/action items for yourself (e.g., I will have my résumé viewed by next Tuesday; this week, I will apply for one job). Hold yourself accountable, and reach out if you need help meeting your goals. Remember, your Career Engagement Coordinator provides support along the job search process.
I don’t meet all of the qualifications. Should I apply?
Yes! Do not limit yourself. Think of job qualifications as the organization’s wish list. Most candidates will not meet every qualification listed. Focus on the ones you do meet and highlight your transferrable skills.
I’ve applied for multiple positions, and I haven’t had an interview or call back. What am I doing wrong?
It may take employers several weeks to get back to you. This is why we recommend starting your job search early. However, you should be sure that your résumé and cover letter are error-free and are tailored to each specific position. Remember, your Career Engagement Coordinator can review your written documents.
How long should I wait before following up after an interview?
Send a thank you note immediately after the interview. After the deadline has passed, follow up again. After a week, send a brief email to let the hiring manager know of your continued interest, and follow up once or twice more after seven to ten days. If you still have not received a response, it’s time to let the opportunity go.
Sánchez Building
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.