Tips for Online Applications
Career Engagement
Before You Begin the Application Process
Most districts have online applications, so you will need to read the specific directions for each district before you begin!
Gather all pertinent documents and have work history information and dates. Also, have the names of universities attended and dates for your education, title and dates of certification(s), and any upcoming tests you will be taking towards your certification.
Have electronic versions of the documents in case you can upload and attach them to your application.
Include a letter of interest and résumé. Remember résumés need to be accurate and concise. Always keep your résumé current.
Getting Started
Contact Information
- Have pertinent information, mentioned above, with you when you start.
- Current phone numbers (cell, parents’ home phone number, or a number where you know you can get a message delivered to you quickly).
- Physical address (local address, permanent address; i.e., parents home address).
- E-mail addresses of references and your current personal e-mail address that you regularly check.
Employment Preferences
- Apply for positions in which you are certified to teach or hold a license.
- If applying for specific positions, know the title and enter it into the appropriate section of the form.
- Substitute teaching while waiting for a full-time position may be an option you are considering, so decide whether or not you are interested in working in this capacity and answer accordingly.
Additional Information
- This area may include information on citizenship, language(s) spoken, and previous application with the district.
- Know what certification(s) you hold or are in the process of securing.
- Put in the date you are expected to graduate or are taking the content exam for the certification program.
- List the names of the universities, dates, and degrees you earned.
- Keep a copy of your official transcript for your records.
- When you are hired be prepared to provide the district with an official, sealed copy of your transcript.
Work Experience
- The work experience section is typically divided into three sections: Student Teaching, General Work Experience, and Teaching Experience.
- When preparing your work history file, you will need to be sure it includes: dates, locations, positions held, names of your supervisors, and phone numbers for each of the sections mentioned above. You may also include observation hours and volunteer information.
Remember: keep your résumé current!
- Most applications require four professional references from your supervisors, professors, and/or mentors.
- The references need to include your two most current supervisors.
- Include the name, position, contact number, and e-mail address of all references in the same order.
- Make sure they know you are using them as a reference.
- Character references are okay, but districts are looking for school supervisory references.
Criminal History
- A background form is automatically generated when you submit an application.
- Be sure you answer all of the questions and provide date of birth, license, and identification information.
- You must provide an explanation if there is an issue with your criminal history.
- Be honest when completing your criminal history report!
The Final Step
Save, Review, Print, and Submit
When you have completed the application, be sure to review it. Then, save it and print a copy for yourself.
Some online applications may have you click on “submit” for each section or page. However, you will need to scroll to the bottom of the application and click on “submit application” for the final submission.
If there are no options for attaching additional paperwork to the application, then you should fax or send the documents by regular mail.
When faxing, be sure to use a cover sheet listing the documents you are sending and the number of pages.
Helpful Hints After Submitting Your Application
After submitting your application, follow up with a phone call to the HR department in two-three days.
Ask specifically if there is any paperwork that you may need to add to your application file for administrators to view before an interview.
Ask if your file is activated and if there are any suggestions to make your application more appealing to administrators.
Ask if there is anything else you can do to help with your job search; i.e., send résumé to the campuses with a letter of interest – Respect and follow the protocol for each district!
Sánchez Building
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.