Two PHEL Doctoral Students Selected as 2019-21 UCEA Jackson Scholars

Educational Leadership and Policy Ph.D. students Rachel Boggs and M. Yvonne Taylor have been selected as 2019-21 Barbara L. Jackson Scholars by the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA). This year’s Jackson Scholars cohort includes 42 doctoral students from universities across the country within its two-year cohort.

The purpose of the network is to develop future faculty of color with high promise and ability for the field of educational leadership and policy. In the structured mentoring program, scholars are matched with experienced faculty mentors who provide guidance on professional development, a model for students to reference when assuming mentor roles, and opportunities for networking.

Boggs and Taylor also will receive support to attend and participate in two national conferences, including the UCEA conference this fall, each of the two years of their tenure as Jackson Scholars. Visit the UCEA website to learn more.