At this time you will not be returning to your placements the week of March 30. Your placements are suspended whether or not your schools are open until further notice. Your coordinator or field supervisor will be informing your cooperating teachers and principals. We know that you have developed relationships with your cooperating teachers, so feel free to communicate with them.
Your coordinators or field supervisors are going to request that any remaining midterm assessments be done virtually between you, your field supervisor, and your cooperating teacher. Zoom conferencing provides the necessary security needed for these meetings. Your coordinators will provide you, your field supervisors, and your cooperating teachers with additional information about this tool.
You will receive full credit for your field experiences even though you won’t be able to complete them as expected. Your instructors will be working to adapt assignments that occur in the field. Your coordinators will be working to create alternative experiences for you, utilizing the social distancing directives that we have all been given.
Sharon Evans
Director of Education Services