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Autism Bridges
Apr. 26, 2018
The goal of the Department of Special Education is to be a bridge of expertise for families of children with autism, and for the community. We provide a space for our faculty to conduct basic and applied research. We also prepare our students to create and deliver best practices in a…

Kinesiology and Health Education Ph.D. Candidate to be Featured on The Dr. Oz Show
Apr. 24, 2018
A casual conversation on a flight from back to Austin from Newark led to an appearance on the Dr. Oz Show for Tim Fleisher, a Ph.D. candidate in exercise science in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education. On an episode set to air May 16, 2018, Fleisher shares his research and exercise…

Professor Luis Urrieta Publishes ‘Cultural Constructions of Identity: Meta-Ethnography and Theory’
Apr. 17, 2018
The book provides an up-to-date commentary on the use of qualitative research to gauge the range of identities.

KHE Graduate Student Wins Several Awards at the Texas ACSM Annual Meeting
Apr. 17, 2018
Ann-Katrin Grotle, a Ph.D. student in the exercise science program in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, has won three awards at the most recent meeting of the TACSM

Kinesiology and Health Education Professor Jan Todd quoted in Forbes "The Body Beautiful Business"
Apr. 12, 2018
"What you hear again and again and again is of someone who doesn't measure up in terms of what we think is fit and beautiful and transforming themselves through exercise."

Educational Psychology Graduate Students Receive 2018 STAY Fellowships
Apr. 05, 2018
This fellowship is designed for students in terminal master’s programs in psychology whose training prepares them to provide mental health services to transition age youth (ages 16-25) and their families.

Anthony and Keffrelyn Brown: By Time Martin Luther King Jr. was Murdered, Civility Had Already Left the Room
Apr. 03, 2018
Associate Professors Anthony and Keffrelyn Brown comment on the narrative of incivility within social justice movements.

Kevin Cokley: How MLK's death changed America
Apr. 02, 2018

Argument Driven Engineering Discovery Minute
Mar. 29, 2018
Victor Sampson discusses how Argument Driven Engineering can introduce more students to engineering through the math courses they already take.

Education Leadership and Policy Alumna Annesa Cheek named as next St. Cloud Technical & Community College President
Mar. 26, 2018
Cheek looks forward to improving the college's concerns regarding inequity, inclusion, and financial aid access.