Cindy Carlson Awarded Family Psychologist of the Year by American Psychological Association

Cindy Carlson, Margie Gurley Seay Professor and Department Chair of Educational Psychology, has been named Family Psychologist of the Year by  Division 43, Society for Couple & Family Psychology, of the American Psychological Association (APA). This award recognizes those who have made outstanding sustained contributions to the field of family psychology. 

Carlson has held the position of department chair for eight years and has actively made contributions to the knowledge, training, and scholarship in the field of family psychology. On September 1st, she stepped down as department chair and will remain part of the Educational Psychology faculty. She has served as president of the APA’s Society of Couple and Family Psychology, president of APA’s Division of School Psychology, and as a member and chair of the APA Board of Educational Affairs.

Carlson has published two books, a Handbook of family-school intervention: A systems perspective and Family assessment: A guide for researchers and practitioners. In addition, she has served as associate editor of the APA’s journal Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice.

“The vision of the Department of Educational Psychology is to not only provide excellence in teaching, research, and service, but also to be a leader in the field of educational psychology. I view my teaching, research, and service in family psychology, as well as school psychology and integrated behavioral healthcare, to reflect the complexity of eco-systemic factors that influence children’s success in school, which extend well beyond the classroom walls,” says Carlson.