Jennifer Adair Serves as Guest Editor for Bank Street College of Education Occasional Papers
May. 15, 2018
Issue 39 of the Occasional Paper Series describes practices and policies that can positively impact the early schooling of children of immigrants in the United States through the lens of intersectionality.
UTeach Austin Participates in the STEM for All Video Showcase Sponsored by the National Science Foundation
May. 14, 2018
STEM Education faculty member Jill Marshall and her colleagues Jason Harron (graduate student in Learning Technologies) and Shelly Rodriguez (clinical faculty member in UTeach Natural Sciences) have an entry in this week’s 2018 STEM for All Video Showcase: Transforming the Educational…
UTeach Urban Teacher Selected As 2017-2018 Cooperating Teacher Fellow
May. 11, 2018
Serena McMillon's teaching in the social studies has served to model the importance of an inclusive history and pedgogies that are culturally and linguistically relevant to the diverse citizenry of our public schools
Curriculum and Instruction Clinical Assistant Professor Bonnie Elliott Named to the 2018 ‘Texas Ten’ Professors
May. 02, 2018
Bonnie Elliott, a Clinical Assistant Professor in Language and Literacy Studies, has been recognized in the Texas Exes' Texas Ten awards. The Texas Ten are faculty members who are nominated by alumni
Mirrors and Windows: Including Race in Literacy Instruction Opens Up the World
May. 02, 2018
On a Thursday afternoon last fall, approximately 20 pre-service teachers arrived for class at Guerrero-Thompson Elementary in Austin. They were students in the College of Education enrolled in Literacy Methods, a course on reading methods in elementary school. Their initial assignment: critically analyze non-fiction texts. The goal was for the pre-service teachers…