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Department of Special Education Faculty

I work to improve interventions for students with dyslexia and other forms of significant reading difficulty, better understand assessment and assessment practices that best inform instruction, and improve educators' ability to make data-based decisions. Some of my representative publications are listed below. For a full list of my published research and other work, please see the links above for my CV or my Google Scholar page. (*indicates student co-author) Clemens, N.H., & Fuchs, D. (2021). Commercially-developed tests of reading comprehension: Gold standard or fools’ gold? Reading Research Quarterly, Advance online publication. Austin, C., Vaughn, S.R., Clemens, N.H., Pustejovsky, J., & Boucher, A. (in press). Relative effects of instruction linking word reading and word meaning compared to word reading instruction alone on the accuracy, fluency, and word meaning knowledge of 4th-5th grade students with dyslexia. Scientific Studies of Reading. Clemens, N.H., * Lee, K., *Henri, M., Simmons, L., Kwok, O., & Al Otaiba, S. (2021). Growth in sublexical fluency during early reading instruction and its relation to decoding acquisition. Journal of School Psychology. Capin, P., Roberts, G., Clemens, N.H., & Vaughn, S.R. (in press). When Treatment Adherence Matters More: Interactions Among Treatment Adherence, Instructional Quality, and Student Characteristics on Reading Outcomes. Reading Research Quarterly. Barnes, M.A., Clemens, N.H., Fall, A.M., Roberts, G., Klein, A., Starkey, P.,…& Flynn, K. (in press). Cognitive Predictors of Difficulties in Math and Reading in Pre-Kindergarten Children at High Risk for Learning Disabilities. Journal of Educational Psychology. Clemens, N.H., Oslund, E., Fogarty, M., Kowk, O., Davis, J., & Simmons, D. (2019). Skill moderators of the effects of a reading comprehension intervention. Exceptional Children, 85, 197-211. Clemens, N.H., Hsaio, Y., Simmons, L., Kwok, O., *Greene, E., *Soohoo, M., *Henri, M., Luo, W., *Prickett, C., Rivas, B., & Al Otaiba, S. (2019). The predictive validity of kindergarten progress monitoring measures across the school year: An application of dominance analysis. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 44, 241-255. Filderman, M. J., Toste, J. R., Didion, L. A., Peng, P., & Clemens, N. H. (2018). Data-based decision making in reading interventions: A synthesis and meta-analysis of the effects for struggling readers. Journal of Special Education, 52, 174-187. Oslund, E.L., Clemens, N.H., Simmons, D.C., & Simmons, L.E. (2018). A multicomponent model of adolescent reading comprehension: Comparing struggling and adequate comprehenders. Reading and Writing, 31, 355-379. Clemens, N.H., *Soohoo, M., *Wiley, C.P., *Hsiao, Y., *Estrella, I., *Allee-Smith, P.J., & Yoon, M. (2018). Advancing stage 2 research on measures for monitoring kindergarten reading progress. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51, 85-104. Clemens, N.H., *Lai, M., Burke, M., & Wu, J. (2017). Interrelations of growth in letter-name and sound fluency in kindergarten and implications for subsequent reading fluency. School Psychology Review, 46, 272-287. Forgarty, M., Clemens, N.H., Simmons, D., Simmons, L., Anderson, L., Oslund, E., Davis, J., & Smith, A. (2017). The impact of a technology-mediated intervention on adolescents’ reading comprehension. Journal of Research in Educational Effectiveness, 10, 326-353. Clemens, N.H., & Simmons, D., Simmons, L., *Wang, H., & Kwok, O. (2017). The prevalence of reading fluency and vocabulary difficulties among adolescents struggling with reading comprehension. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 35, 785-798.

Photo of faculty member Nathan  Clemens

Nathan Clemens

Professor and Department Chair, Department of Special Education

Photo of faculty member Sally K Fluhler

Sally K Fluhler

Assistant Professor of Instruction, Department of Special Education

Photo of faculty member Katie Tackett

Katie Tackett

Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Special Education