The College of Education recognizes six faculty members whose promotions go into effect on September 1.
Curriculum and Instruction

Allison Skerrett, associate professor of curriculum and instruction in Language and Literacy Studies and director of the Urban Teachers program, will be promoted to full professor. Her research focuses on secondary English education in urban contexts, including among transnational youth. Since 2016, she has been part of a 10-member International Council of Education Advisers, advising the Scottish government on issues related to education and inequity.

Flavio Azevedo, assistant professor of curriculum and instruction, will receive tenure and be promoted to associate professor. His research investigates interest-based participation in STEM disciplines in classrooms and extra-curricular activities.
Educational Leadership and Policy

Victor Sáenz, associate professor and chair for the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, will be promoted to full professor. He seeks to advance research-informed policy solutions that enhance educational outcomes for underserved students in secondary and post-secondary education. In 2010, he founded Project MALES (Mentoring to Achieve Latino Educational Success), a multi-pronged effort based at UT-Austin focused on advancing success strategies for male students of color across the education pipeline.

Terrance Green, assistant professor of educational leadership and policy, will receive tenure and be promoted to associate professor. His research examines the relationship between educational leadership, schools, and neighborhood communities, with a focus on racial and educational equity.

Beth Bukoski, assistant professor of practice in higher education leadership, will be promoted to associate professor of practice. Her research focuses on issues of social justice, equity, diversity, and the persistence, success, and experiences of underrepresented students, faculty, and administration.
Special Education

Katie Tackett, assistant professor of practice in special education, will be promoted to associate professor of practice. She was named one of the Texas 10 by Texas Exes in 2016 and received the Elizabeth Shatto Massey Award for Excellence in Teacher Education for 2016-17.