Reddick Named Inaugural Member of Distinguished Service Academy

Rich Reddick, associate dean for equity, community engagement, and outreach, has been named one of five members of the first cohort of the new Distinguished Service Academy at UT Austin.

The academy is a group of extraordinary faculty members selected for their outstanding service at UT and beyond. Each has demonstrated excellence in scholarship and commitment to fostering leadership around diversity, inclusion, and mentoring.

“It’s amazingly humbling, and a huge honor to be named to the inaugural cohort of the Distinguished Service Academy. When I reflect on the community engagement and leadership of the members, I am incredibly excited about learning from them, and sharing what I’ve learned in my career,” Reddick says.

“Most significantly, I look forward to contributing to the development of policies and procedures that support community-based scholars advancing their careers, while adding to important conversations in our communities including and beyond the Tower—particularly those who represent historically marginalized, intersectional identities,” he adds. 

College of Education Dean Charles R. Martinez says, “There is no more deserving faculty member in our College of Education or at UT for this honor. In every way, Dr. Reddick exemplifies the values of the academy. Dr. Reddick’s mentorship of students, faculty, and higher education leaders and his prolific service contributions at UT and beyond have transformed the way higher education approaches issues of equity and inclusion. His work on cultural taxation of faculty and administrators who support low-income, first-generation, and students of color has impacted both how institutions support faculty and launched a critical area of scholarly study.”

Along with an annual stipend, the five-year appointment includes sponsorship of at least one workshop per semester and a series of faculty mentoring sessions throughout the year.

The other members are Carolyn Brown, College of Pharmacy; Jen Moon, College of Natural Sciences; Lisa Moore, College of Liberal Arts; and Loriene Roy, School of Information.