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Building a Path to a Meaningful Career Just Got Easier
Dec. 19, 2017
College is a time when many people engage in the exploration, self-discovery, and knowledge building that will shape who they are and what they will achieve in their future. During these few years, students are often learning for the first time where their passions lie.Choosing a major that aligns with…

Rebecca Callahan Demonstrates How Educators Can Build on the Civic Potential of Immigrant Youth in American Educator Article
Dec. 13, 2017
Rebecca Callahan pens article titled "Fully Realizing the Civic Potential of Immigrant Youth"

Curriculum and Instruction Graduate Students’ Project Places Third in Prestigious Competition
Dec. 11, 2017
Two graduate students in the Learning Technologies program of the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Hsiao-Ping Hsu and Wenting Ellen Zou, and Associate Professor Joan Hughes in collaboration with two schools, teachers, and students in Taiwan, have placed third in the 2018 Reimagine Education Awards Competition, hosted by…

Powell Wins 2018 Early Career Research Award
Dec. 05, 2017
Sarah Powell Sarah Powell, assistant professor in the Department of Special Education, has been named the recipient of the Division for Research 2018 Distinguished Early Career Research Award by the Council for Exceptional Children Division for Research (CEC-DR). This prestigious award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding scientific…

PHEL Ph.D. Student Named President of ACUI
Dec. 05, 2017
Jennifer Zamora Jennifer Zamora, a second-year doctoral student in the Program of Higher Education Leadership in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, has been named president of the Association of College Unions International (ACUI). In addition to being a graduate student, Zamora works full-time as…

Kevin Cokley in CBS News: What is Impostor Syndrome? Michelle Obama says she has it, and 'It Doesn't Go Away'
Dec. 05, 2017

Christopher Brown and Doctoral Student Receive Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education Article of the Year Award
Nov. 21, 2017
Curriculum and Instruction Professor Chris Brown awarded for article “Conceptions of and Early Childhood Educators’ Experiences in Early Childhood Professional Development Programs: A Qualitative Metasynthesis."

Educational Leadership and Policy Alumnus Speaks at Texas GIS Forum
Nov. 15, 2017
Joanna Sanchez This fall, 2017 alumnus Joanna Sanchez was a featured presenter at the three-day Texas GIS Forum, where she spoke about geographic information systems (GIS) and its ability to inform and provide context for educational questions. Sanchez, who earned her Ph.D. in educational leadership and policy in 2017, is…

Merging Literacy and Science Methods: A New Database Helps Pre-Service Teachers
Nov. 02, 2017
Because of the foundational importance of literacy to education, teachers are increasingly expected to integrate reading across various subjects, including science. But choosing appropriate texts can be a challenge for teachers, who may not be well-versed in how to critically evaluate them. Associate Professor Anthony Petrosino of the College of Education at The University…

How Educators Can Help Bridge the Political and Cultural Divide
Oct. 26, 2017
This August, Victoria M. Defrancesco Soto, currently a professor at The University of Texas at Austin, where she teaches in the Department of Mexican-American and Latino Studies, gave the keynote address for the 8th Annual Texas Higher Education Symposium. The symposium was hosted by the College of Education’s Educational Leadership and Policy…