
All News News

Special Education Alumna named AISD Elementary Teacher of the Year
May. 01, 2019
Ashley Rivera, M.Ed. ’15, was named Elementary Teacher of the Year by the Austin Independent School District for the 2018-19 academic year.

Krueger, Cokley, and Bailey: Why Lebron James’ I Promise School Should Not Shy Away from Issues of Race
Apr. 12, 2019

Alumna Wins TAHPERD Honor Award
Apr. 11, 2019
Congratulations to Tere Ramirez, B.S. ‘77 and M.Ed. ‘81 on receiving the Honor Award from the Texas Association for Health and Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

ELP Alumnus Makes Forbes 30 Under 30 List in Education
Apr. 08, 2019
As the assistant superintendent for the Office of Strategy and Innovation in HISD, Jharrett Bryantt leads a number of high-priority initiatives for the district.

The Power of Prediction
Mar. 29, 2019
The Health & Integrative Physiology (HIP) Lab focuses on identifying biomarkers that can predict those at increased risk for these diseases or those individuals more likely to progress to serious complications.

The Truth That I Owe You: Understanding the Social Contexts of Race and Gender in Literacy Education
Mar. 06, 2019
An ED Talk by David Kirkland, associate professor of English and Urban Education and executive director of the NYU Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools.

A Problem Hidden in Plain Sight: Forum on Chronic Absenteeism
Feb. 28, 2019
Each year, nearly 7.5 million students are chronically absent – missing 10% or more of the school year. How should researchers, policymakers, and educators address chronic absenteeism and its effects on students? 

Soyoung Park: How special education is a prime example of our unhealthy ‘obsession with conformity’
Feb. 18, 2019
Assistant Professor Soyoung Park discusses why the special education field is a prime example of our obsession with conformity in an op-ed for The Washington Post.

Christopher McCarthy: Teacher strikes target salaries, but promoting wellness and fighting stress are the real issues
Feb. 14, 2019
Professor Chris McCarthy explains that "if we really want the best educational environment for our students, we need more investment in the occupational health of teachers," in a recent op-ed for The Hill.

Tracie Lowe: Including foster care and homeless students in higher education
Feb. 13, 2019
Educational Leadership and Policy alumna Tracie Lowe, Ph.D. '18 explains why Texas higher education institutions need be inclusive of homeless and foster care students.