
Curriculum and Instruction News

More Than Just a Walk Around the Block
Feb. 28, 2019
Curriculum and Instruction Clinical Associate Professor Haydée Rodriguez takes a group of pre-service bilingual/bicultural education students on community walks to help the students learn about their students' lives.

A Boisterous Classroom May be Better for Kids than You Think
Feb. 23, 2019
That’s what San Antonio Independent School District is betting on. And the bet is backed by research from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.

Curriculum and Instruction Doctoral Student Highlighted as a 2019 Leader to Learn From by Education Week
Feb. 20, 2019
Education Weekly selected Curriculum and Instruction doctoral student Angela Ward as a 2019 leader to learn from for her leadership in cultural proficiency in her role as Supervisor of Race and Equity Programs at AISD.

Curriculum and Instruction Doctoral Student Interviewed by KUT
Feb. 13, 2019
In an interview with KUT, Curriculum and Instruction doctoral student Lakeya Omogun discusses the legitimacy of Austin's Liberal label.

Establishing Community: Restorative Practices Gain Momentum
Feb. 13, 2019
Eight UT Austin undergraduates and their instructor are sitting in a circle in a classroom. Taryn, the day’s facilitator, introduces the guidelines: “Respect the talking piece, speak from the heart, listen from the heart, what happens in the circle stays in the circle, trust you will know what to say,…

Christopher Brown Interviewed by Texas Standard
Jan. 22, 2019
Christopher Brown, professor of Curriculum and Instruction, discusses the need for a holistic approach to accountability for schools when it comes to student success.

Fikile Nxumalo: How climate change education is hurting the environment
Dec. 24, 2018
In an op-ed for The Hill, Fikile Nxumalo explains why its necessary to educate children on climate change by teaching them that they are part of nature.

Curriculum and Instruction Assistant Professor Awarded the Big XII Faculty Fellowship
Dec. 21, 2018
Assistant Professor Katherina Payne in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in Social Studies Education won the Big XII Faculty Fellowship and traveled to Iowa State University to work with her colleague, Associate Professor Katy Swalwell, at Iowa State University. Payne’s research and teaching…

Doctoral Student Wins Prestigious Award for Digital Literacy Research in Elementary Schools
Dec. 21, 2018
Congratulations to Hsiao-Ping Hsu for receiving two awards from the Association for Educational Communications and Technology!

Somos Escritoras: We Are Writers
Dec. 04, 2018
"My students and their families have important stories to share," says Assistant Professor Tracey Flores, "and writing has the power to build community and solidarity."