The College of Education would like to congratulate the faculty members who have been promoted to new appointments beginning in the 2024-25 academic year. The faculty members’ commitment to making an impact, conducting world-class research, teaching and learning is truly exceptional and we are proud to celebrate their accomplishments with them. Because of their dedication, these exceptional individuals have been making a positive impact in their respective fields, conducting cutting-edge research and imparting knowledge to eager learners. The college is excited to have the opportunity to commemorate their accomplishments.
Curriculum and Instruction

Denise Davila has been promoted to associate professor with tenure. Dr. Davila studies children’s literature and researches the home literacy practices of families with young children in under-resourced communities.

Carlos Nicolas Gómez Marchant has been promoted to associate professor with tenure. Dr. Gómez Marchant investigates intersections of race, language, and mathematics through the experiences of Latinx students learning and doing mathematics.
Educational Psychology

Hyeon-Ah Kang has been promoted to associate professor with tenure. Dr. Kang studies theoretical and applied statistics in educational and psychological measurement.

Katherine Muenks has been promoted to associate professor with tenure. Dr. Muenks’ research focuses on motivation and how individual beliefs and social-contextual factors influence student achievement and academic behaviors.
Educational Leadership and Policy

Josh Childs has been promoted to associate professor with tenure. Dr. Childs examines collaborative approaches involving community organizations and stakeholders that improve academic achievement and reduce opportunity gaps for students.

David DeMatthews has been promoted to associate professor with tenure. Dr. DeMatthews’ research focuses on urban school and district leadership, inclusive practices for students with disabilities and school improvement with an emphasis on addressing inequities in classrooms, schools and communities.

Stella Flores has been promoted to full professor. Dr. Flores examines the effects of state and federal policies on college access and completion outcomes for low-income and underrepresented populations including immigrant and English Learner students. She also holds a joint appointment with the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.

Denisa Gándara has been promoted to associate professor with tenure. Dr. Gándara studies higher education finance and policy, with a focus on equity in policymaking processes and the effects of policies.

Sarah Woulfin has been promoted to full professor. Dr. Woulfin uses lenses from organizational sociology to study how district leaders, principals, coaches and teachers implement policy.
Special Education

Peng Peng has been promoted to associate professor with tenure. Dr. Peng Peng focuses on embedding high-level cognitive skills training into academic instructions for children with severe learning disabilities that address the cognitive impairments underlying those disabilities.

Sarah Powell has been promoted to full professor. Dr. Powell develops and tests interventions for students with mathematics difficulties, emphasizing word-problem solving, mathematics writing, data-based decision-making and the vocabulary within math.

Natasha Strassfeld has been promoted to associate professor with tenure. Dr. Strassfeld examines how law and policy shape special education service delivery, how racialized minority and ethnic students are (mis)identified for special education placements and how special education is provided in the juvenile justice system.