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Department of Educational Psychology Faculty
Explores the intersection of psychology and culture through such topics as the psychological experience of immigration, ethnic conflicts and the impact of violence within communities, and the relationship between individual and collective identity. Is also interested in US-Mexico health, including addressing health disparities.

Examines ways that school psychologists can improve the academic, social-emotional, and behavioral outcomes for young children (i.e., preschool) from minoritized and marginalized backgrounds in early childhood settings.

Interested in statistical models with a focus on deriving and evaluating multilevel model extensions and meta-analysis models for educational, behavioral, social and medical science data.

Research interests include mental health public policy, college student mental health and suicide prevention, collaborative care models of behavioral health in primary care, and the intersection of mental health and academic success.

Investigates issues of access and equity for disabled people, with a special focus on systems change, research translation, and assessment.

Studies the mindsets and behaviors that motivate learning, achievement and well-being; develops psychologically precise, scalable interventions to empower people, improving lives and societies.

Statistical methods and techniques for meta-analysis with a focus on selective reporting and publication bias, effect size calculations, multilevel modeling

Interests include the development and dissemination of computerized adaptive testing applications in educational and psychological testing and patient-reported outcome measurements.

Falbo uses both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to address problems in education and health. She is an internationally recognized expert on only children, including their academic, social, emotional, and health outcomes. Falbo is also an expert on conducting cross-cultural research and research aimed at improving the education of ethnic minorities in the U.S.

Supports the clinical training of doctoral students, teaches clinically-focused courses and prepares students for psychology internship training. Jane Gray does not serve as a research mentor for students in the School Psychology nor Counseling Psychology programs.

Research interests focus on using Bayesian statistical methods to employ hierarchical linear modeling, specifically working with longitudinal and mediation data.

Studies statistical and computational methods for analyzing psychometric data. Research areas include item response theory, response time modeling, cognitively diagnostic models, computer-adaptive testing, and multimodal analytics of cognitive and behavioral data.

Statistical methods for causal mediation analysis, causal inference with machine learning methods, longitudinal or clustered data analysis, study design (e.g., statistical power analysis)

Focuses on identifying factors that hinder or promote the success of children and families from vulnerable and underserved populations.

Student academic motivation; motivational beliefs about ability and effort; growth and fixed mindset; teacher, parent, and peer effects on student motivation; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) contexts

Focuses on the intersections of gender, sexuality, and behavioral health in topics of men's health, gender roles, and muscularity; conducts outreach with gender and sexual minority communities; development of mobile health interventions. Note: Dr. Parent is no longer taking new students.

Studies predictors of risk for mental health problems in early childhood.

Focuses on the efficacy of different kinds of sexuality education programs: teacher preparation for the sexuality education classroom, anddifferences between evidence-informed and evidence-based programs, and differences between teaching and facilitating within a sex-ed context.

Research focuses on men and traditional masculinity, with a particular emphasis on men's mental health, depression, help-seeking patterns, and their underutilization of counseling services. Note: Dr. Rochlen will not be taking new students for the 2024 academic year.

Dr. Erin Rodríguez studies family, sociocultural, and contextual influences on childrens development and health outcomes, with a focus on understanding and reducing health disparities affecting low-SES Latinx youth.

Investigates culturally and linguistically responsive interventions and assessments for emergent bilingual/multilingual learners and Latiné students.

Focuses on suicide, healthcare access, mental health service use, and aging

Studies how cultural beliefs and values shape parent-child relationships, parental socialization, and children's and adolescents' development and learning.

Training in School Psychology Positive School Climate Home, School, and Community Partnerships

Improving the accessibility and use of data and research to advance equitable policy and practice in education.

Studies the cognitive underpinnings of learning and instruction (memory & metacognition), integrated with social-psychological processes (motivation & mindset), in direct applications to classroom practices, online instruction, and self-regulated learning.