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Focuses on biomechanic analysis and instruction, and neurological correlation to fine motor skills.

Studies long-term relationships with Latinx bilingual students and teachers using arts-based biliteracy approaches to affirm and amplify silenced perspectives, build connections, and develop bilingualism and biculturalism.

Areas of expertise include early childhood education, racial justice and equity in early learning, educational anthropology, video-cued ethnography, immigration and education, impact of social injustices on childhoods, project-based learning led by community expertise and early childhood educational leadership and program transformation.

Explores the intersection of psychology and culture through such topics as the psychological experience of immigration, ethnic conflicts and the impact of violence within communities, and the relationship between individual and collective identity. Is also interested in US-Mexico health, including addressing health disparities.

Examines ways that school psychologists can improve the academic, social-emotional, and behavioral outcomes for young children (i.e., preschool) from minoritized and marginalized backgrounds in early childhood settings.

Manages and coordinates multiple research and evaluation grants and contracts for the Educational Research Center.

Deputy Director for Curriculum & Enrollment and Undergraduate Studies, Undergraduate College

Focuses research on student success and graduation initiatives, including innovative college readiness assignments, student success programs and understanding the completion agenda.

Develops and evaluates interventions and assessments using technology to support the academic success of Latinx students and other students whose home language is not English.

Studies how biomechanics affect human physiology and locomotion performance. Particularly interested in how body dimensions and muscle-tendon mechanics affect metabolism, fatigue and speed.

Teaches courses on sport history and strength and conditioning. Research focuses on physical culture history.

Sexual health Sexual assault IPV HIV/AIDs Hookup culture Purity culture College students

Interested in statistical models with a focus on deriving and evaluating multilevel model extensions and meta-analysis models for educational, behavioral, social and medical science data.

Studies engineering and STEM higher education, including faculty, graduate students and undergraduates.

Examines the management of systems for athlete development, including how different sport settings influence performance and participation over the lifespan. Focuses on re-imagining the youth sport experience, with a specific interest in the developmental role that playing in unstructured sports settings like sandlot/pickup sports or sports video games can have on shaping experiences and outcomes.

Researches the lived experiences of those working in contexts going through educational reform. By studying varied education stakeholders, I have sought to advocate for educational policies that seek to foster, sustain, and extend the complex educational, sociocultural, and individual goals and aspirations of children, their families, teachers, and school leaders.

Focuses on historical and contemporary issues and discourses concerning African American students in schools and society.

Creates scholarship based around teacher education, especially relating to race and culture.

Research interests include mental health public policy, college student mental health and suicide prevention, collaborative care models of behavioral health in primary care, and the intersection of mental health and academic success.

Interests include early childhood education policy and practice, gender issues in early childhood education, conceptions of children, urban literacy education, diversity, equity and social justice in early childhood and qualitative research.

Racialization, Language Ideology, Educational Carcerality, Place, Coloniality, Abolitionism, Youthwork, Latinx Communities, Ethnography, Journey Mapping, and Narrative Inquiry

Investigates issues of access and equity for disabled people, with a special focus on systems change, research translation, and assessment.

Focuses on language and cultural influences on teaching and learning mathematics, particularly equity issues involving Latinx students mathematical thinking, the simultaneous learning of English as a second language and math and preparing teachers to work with culturally and linguistically diverse students.

Teaches Karate and Self defense courses. Specializes in the striking arts.

Studies the mindsets and behaviors that motivate learning, achievement and well-being; develops psychologically precise, scalable interventions to empower people, improving lives and societies.

Statistical methods and techniques for meta-analysis with a focus on selective reporting and publication bias, effect size calculations, multilevel modeling

Examines collaborative approaches involving community organizations and stakeholders that improve academic achievement and reduce opportunity gaps for students. Also studies chronic absenteeism, the role of high school athletics in school settings, and computer science education.

Interests include the development and dissemination of computerized adaptive testing applications in educational and psychological testing and patient-reported outcome measurements.

Professional Development for Physical Education Teachers, Teacher Education in Physical Education, Technology in Physical Education including remote observation and communication

Explores how family background, culture, and school contextual factors influence decisions and trajectories within special education.

Directs the department's Nutrition & Development program.

Studies children's literature and researches the home literacy practices of families with young children in under-resourced communities.

Examines effects of race, class and capital in schools and society; investigates and extends traditions of critical pedagogy and philosophy.

Focuses on school and district leadership, inclusive practices for students with disabilities, and school improvement with an emphasis on improving student achievement and addressing inequities in classrooms, schools, and communities.

Focuses on the instructional design and efficacy testing of early STEM interventions for at-risk learners, including English learners and students marginalized and underserved communities.

Focuses on preparing school professionals to address legal issues they will be required to consider as administrators based on her significant experience advising and representing public school officials and administrators in legal matters.

Researches and teaches social dances from the 19th century to the present.
Engages in training and supervision of clinicians to support individuals with challenging behavior and difficulty transitioning between activities, particularly for students with autism spectrum disorders.

Focuses on the history of sport culture, particularly Olympic weightlifting, and its impact on society.

Falbo uses both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to address problems in education and health. She is an internationally recognized expert on only children, including their academic, social, emotional, and health outcomes. Falbo is also an expert on conducting cross-cultural research and research aimed at improving the education of ethnic minorities in the U.S.

Assessment and treatment of problem behavior displayed by individuals with ASD/DD, methods for increasing behavioral variability in individuals with ASD/DD, and methods for preventing clinical relapse pertaining to challenging behavio

Researches the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of the Acai berry to improve performance and increase adherence to exercise and physical activity.

Serves as Director of the Athletic Training Education Program and specializes in sports medicine, training athletes, athletic injuries, strength and conditioning, and sports rehabilitation.

Studies muscle physiology and adaptability across the life span in response to exercise training and injury.

Focuses on managerial mobility and retention, gender equity and personnel management issues in sport law, and effective marketing of participant focused sports.

Dr. Flores' research focuses on Latina mothers and daughters language and literacy practices, the teaching of young writers in culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms, and family and community literacies.

Examines the effects of state and federal policies on college access and completion outcomes for low-income and underrepresented populations including immigrant and English Learner students.

Works with culturally diverse individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders to assess and treat challenging behavior.

Examines ethnographic language and literacy practices in K-12 classrooms, specifically focusing on how Latinx critical race theory explains the relationship between heritage language and culture and the evolving identities of future teachers.

Uses repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and fMRI to identify mechanisms that support learning and memory in order to develop targeted therapies for patients suffering from memory loss.

Explores the language and literacy practices of young African American children in dual language bilingual program spaces from critical perspectives.

Expertise on the intersection of law and educational policies and practices focused on access and equity in higher education, including affirmative action, freedom of expression and inclusion, and the use and influence of research in law.

Oversees the Centers community college relations and serves as a point of contact for state leaders, funders and national higher education organizations.

Interests include higher education policy and planning focused on expanding participation in higher education, improving graduation rates, and ensuring success in the workforce.

Explores the intersection of the sociopolitical and mathematical lives of children with a focus on identity and learning.

Focuses on policies, practices, and interventions that promote social mobility and reduce socioeconomic stratification in K12 and higher education.

Develops school leaders with the knowledge, skill, and disposition to foster collaborative instructional systems to produce high levels of adult engagement in their unique school environments to assure every student learns well and thrives, with a focus on equity and continuous improvement.

Specializes in behavior, sports performance, and decision making in golf; teaches golf and courses need to be certified in physical education.

Investigates intersections of race, language, and mathematics through the experiences of Latinx students learning and doing mathematics.

Research explores the intersections of multilingualism, scientific sensemaking, and teacher education, with a specific focus on the ways multilingual students engage in science practices through translanguaging.
Focuses on student governance and involvement in the areas of college student government, the student body presidency, sorority/fraternity life, equity and justice issues, queer students and issues in higher education, and educational crises and emergencies.

Supports the clinical training of doctoral students, teaches clinically-focused courses and prepares students for psychology internship training. Jane Gray does not serve as a research mentor for students in the School Psychology nor Counseling Psychology programs.

Examines principals and school-community engagement/community development and issues of educational equity and opportunity.

Investigates neuromuscular control mechanisms during fatigue, training, rehabilitation and aging with single-motor unit recording, and designs electrical stimulation protocols for individuals with paralysis.

Explores ethical campus leadership and factors that lead to successful leadership of educators.

Researches fitness education, physical activity promotion among k-16 students, and technologies related to physical education teacher education.

Studies how to optimize early interventions for young children with challenging behavior and communication delays including those with autism.

Biochemical techniques including ELISA's, multiplexing, automated western blotting, associated data analyses, and standard wet lab skills. Research involving diabetes, inflammation, and neural control of circulation.

Studies organizational change in sport through qualitative inquiry and historical methods.

Restorative practices; school-to-prison pipeline.

Focuses on teacher preparation, the classroom literacy environment and promoting literacy in developing countries.

Studies psychosocial factors in health behavior and health and well-being in adulthood and aging.

Focuses on the politics and implementation of educational policy with an emphasis on school reform, equity and diversity in schools; and the intersection between housing and education policy.

Studies the biomechanical and neuromuscular control mechanisms of human movement and translates this knowledge into practical solutions that reduce walking-related disability.

Research focuses on school contexts and teacher knowledge and experiences that support the establishment of digital equity for learning in K-12 schools, classrooms, and communities.

Examines the intersection of sport and international political history.

Studies neural control of voluntary and skilled movements, development of brain stimulation interventions to promote motor function after stroke, motor learning, neuroplasticity, and brain oscillations.

Research interests focus on using Bayesian statistical methods to employ hierarchical linear modeling, specifically working with longitudinal and mediation data.

Exercise physiology; carbohydrate metabolism; ergogenic aids; exercise and diabetes; nutrition and exercise

Studies biomechanics and changes in motor competencies across a lifetime with an emphasis on posture and locomotor control including populations of autism and cerebral palsy.

Studies school and community-based interventions regarding physical activity, healthy eating, and the prevention of chronic disease.

Interests include: student affairs administration, professional staff development, college student development, retention programs for students of color.

Bringing the experience of 28 years as dean of the College of Education, Justiz shares his expertise in topics of public policy, the politics of education, and providing equal access for minorities in education.

Interests include academic administration, faculty in higher education, and college student development with research on college teaching and minorities in higher education.

Studies statistical and computational methods for analyzing psychometric data. Research areas include item response theory, response time modeling, cognitively diagnostic models, computer-adaptive testing, and multimodal analytics of cognitive and behavioral data.

Investigates the potential mechanisms for elevated sympathetic activation in patient populations such as type 1 and 2 diabetes and racial disparities in vascular function and blood pressure responses during exercise in health and disease.

Brings her experience in literacy education to UT with a specialization in preparing secondary teachers to work in urban schools.

Studies literacy, language, and multicultural education, especially involving new media and globalization.

Teaches courses that examine the intersectionality of culture, organizations, and systems of privilege, power, and difference in higher education.

Biliteracy practices in classroom and curriculum, translanguaging pedagogy, bilingual programs, and dual language programming. Family advocacy and partnerships.

Elementary physical education; teachers'''' careers; assessment in physical education; teachers'''' goals and intents

Teaches from a holistic health perspective with a focus on personal health, including mental health, meditation and other stress management techniques.

Autism, implementation science, cultural adaptation, early intervention, marginalized families, global autism research
Focuses on the ways students learn in science courses using computational modeling.

Statistical methods for causal mediation analysis, causal inference with machine learning methods, longitudinal or clustered data analysis, study design (e.g., statistical power analysis)

Focuses on adolescent and young adult problem behavior development, and tobacco use and cessation.

Engages humanizing research approaches to examine equity-focused PK-16 STEM teaching and learning across urban contexts with a focus on Black girls.

Examines literacy teacher preparation, specifically the role of coaching and mentoring that occurs inside programs.

Teaches yoga classes as both a physical practice and educational experience.

Focuses on identifying factors that hinder or promote the success of children and families from vulnerable and underserved populations.

Director of Assessment, Office of Admissions
Teaches courses in cardiovascular fitness. Ie: Running, aerobic walking, circuit aerobics, and cardiovascular weight training.

Studies managerial economics in sport relating to the market power of pro sports leagues under three primary branches: industrial organization, labor markets, and public policy and economic development.

Experienced certified strength and conditioning specialist who develops curriculum for fitness professionals and conducts physiological assessment and exercise program design for those with chronic diseases.

Focuses on understanding the factors influencing Latino/ youth substance use and mental health and how to translate this evidence into preventive interventions.

Student academic motivation; motivational beliefs about ability and effort; growth and fixed mindset; teacher, parent, and peer effects on student motivation; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) contexts

Coordinates the placement of teachers in field experiences and prepares students for ESL education.

Marginalization and Perceived Mattering of PE Occupational Socialization Teaching in PE

Works in support of first-generation, low-income and underserved populations in the areas of student development, retention, academic support, assessment and advising.

sport, American history, women's history

Focuses on social justice leadership as well as specific strategies to create optimal learning environments for students and teachers.

Assesses and supports individuals with intellectual disabilities and develops social skill/communication interventions for children with ASD.

Scholarly work has concentrated on understanding the processes related to the supervision of instruction, as well as on instructional leadership.

Physical Culture, Sports Photography, Sports Press History, Sports and the Visual Arts

Studies the historical, philosophical, sociocultural, and political dimensions of sport and physical culture.

Examines the contributions of strengths-based approaches in literacy instruction with Spanish-speaking bilingual teacher candidates and in-service teachers in the U.S. and in Latin America.
Focuses on the intersections of gender, sexuality, and behavioral health in topics of men's health, gender roles, and muscularity; conducts outreach with gender and sexual minority communities; development of mobile health interventions. Note: Dr. Parent is no longer taking new students.

Examines the relation between marketing influence on youth and young adult risk behavior such as substance use, nutrition, sleep and energy drink consumption.

Focuses on adults with disabilities and their participation in higher education, study skills, instruction, and interaction with the criminal justice system.

Researches civic education, early childhood/elementary education, and teacher education to examine the role of relationships, community, and justice to make classrooms democratic and equitable spaces.

Focuses on embedding high-level cognitive skills (e.g., working memory; executive function) and motivational skills (e.g., growth mindset, anxiety copying) into academic instructions for children with severe learning disabilities

Serves as Clinical Education Coordinator of the Athletic Training Program with responsibilities revolving around preparing learners for professional practice through the integration of content knowledge into clinical education experiences.

President Emeritus, Huston Tillotson University

My work primarily investigates how immigration policies (e.g., deportations, parental deportations) contribute to inequities in substance use, mental health, and use of treatment services among Latino populations.
Develops and tests interventions for students with mathematics difficulties, emphasizing word-problem solving, mathematics writing, data-based decision making, and the vocabulary within mathematics.

Studies predictors of risk for mental health problems in early childhood.

Focuses on the efficacy of different kinds of sexuality education programs: teacher preparation for the sexuality education classroom, anddifferences between evidence-informed and evidence-based programs, and differences between teaching and facilitating within a sex-ed context.

Examines the experiences of faculty of color at predominantly White institutions; mentoring relationships between faculty and Black students; and work-life balance in academia.

I study student success for children experiencing poverty. I analyze how school leadership and state policy facilitate student success across the education pipeline.

Prepares school district executives to lead socially just and equitable learning centers focused on academic excellence for all students.

Studies the culture of youth sports through elementary and secondary physical education curricula, and teacher education.

Focuses on the social construction of gender and racial/ethnic inequality in educational opportunities and experiences in STEM fields from a sociological perspective. Methodological expertise in quantitative research methods and analyses of large scale datasets.
preservice teacher preparation, coaching and mentoring preservice and early career teachers, culturally sustaining literacy instruction

Research focuses on men and traditional masculinity, with a particular emphasis on men's mental health, depression, help-seeking patterns, and their underutilization of counseling services. Note: Dr. Rochlen will not be taking new students for the 2024 academic year.

Dr. Erin Rodríguez studies family, sociocultural, and contextual influences on childrens development and health outcomes, with a focus on understanding and reducing health disparities affecting low-SES Latinx youth.

Prepares students to become educators in bilingual and ESL education and mentors novice bilingual educators.

Investigates culturally and linguistically responsive interventions and assessments for emergent bilingual/multilingual learners and Latiné students.

instructional technology innovation for learning transformation game-based learning playful learning & enactive role-play augmented / virtual reality for learning instructional systems design online / blended learning environments connected learning & digital equity

Leads the Project MALES (Mentoring to Achieve Latino Educational Success Initiative focused on Latino males in education; seeks to advance research-informed policy solutions that enhance educational outcomes for students in secondary and post-secondary education.

Dr. Salinas is a member of the Social Studies Education program area and is an affiliate faculty member in the Bilingual/Bicultural and the Cultural Studies in Education program areas. Her focus in the social studies includes critical historical inquiry in elementary bilingual and secondary education late arrival immigrant ESL classroom settings, as well as broader understandings of citizenship. Her work also examines social studies teachers' enactment/countering of curriculum through narratives that include civic identities, agency, and membership of others.

Studies the ways culturally and linguistically diverse groups of people use disciplinary the core ideas and practices of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to explain phenomena or to solve problems that are meaningful and consequential to them.

Jacks area of research interest is in Motor Behavior and Sport Psychology, specifically exploring the function of self-talk protocols during exercise and sport performance and how to manipulate self-talk and attentional focus to be advantageous for athletes. Jack has applied sport psychology experience as a mental skills consultant with various sports, including volleyball, basketball, hockey, fencing, rugby, soccer, cross-country, track and field, curling, CrossFit, and Olympic Weightlifting.

Centers research on college student identity development, personal branding for student leaders, and work/life integration for student affairs administrators

Supports school leaders in their efforts to implement continuous improvement strategies that promote growth for self, staff, students, and community in his role as an external campus intervention team member, professional service provider and effective school framework facilitator.

Academic technology, technology-enhanced learning, learning technologies, online education, college teaching and learning, course evaluations, design thinking, design pedagogy, learning experience design, and developing expertise in generative AI tools in higher education.

Studies how to ameliorate social inequities in the United States through higher education policy; focuses on college pathways at broad-access institutions, including community colleges.

Identity, acculturation, cultural stress, crisis migration, adolescent development, family functioning, substance use, mental health, well-being

Teaches and develops undergraduate medical fitness and rehabilitation curricula and works with the health fitness instructor specialization.

Focuses on suicide, healthcare access, mental health service use, and aging

Studies the biomechanics of infants in commercial baby gear and orthopedic devices, and parents/caregivers carrying infants during activities of daily living.

Focuses on secondary English and literacy education in urban contexts, including among transnational youth.

Teaches preservice K-12 teachers how to teach meaningful STEM content in innovative, student- and community-centered ways.

Dr. Snaider is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Her research explores the enactment of educational policy in early childhood practice, with a particular focus on issues of gender and sexuality with young children. Her work is informed by poststructural feminism, queer theory, trans-studies, and intersectionality. She conducts qualitative, and mix-methods research.

Focuses on the development of sport policies and the ways in which professional sport teams can be leveraged to generate economic, social, and tourism benefits for host communities.

Preschool childrens media use, survey design, formative research and program development for low-literacy populations

Recognized health and fitness expert with a background in both exercise science and strategic health communication.

Focuses on how individuals successfully adapt to stress and build health resilience.

The History and Philosophy of the Body, Sport, and Physical Culture from Ancient Greece to the Present

Autonomic control of circulation during exercise in health and disease, specifically in type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Examines how law and policy shape special education service delivery, how racialized minority and ethnic students are (mis)identified for special education placements, and how special education is provided in the juvenile justice system.

Studies how cultural beliefs and values shape parent-child relationships, parental socialization, and children's and adolescents' development and learning.

Training in School Psychology Positive School Climate Home, School, and Community Partnerships

Effects of vascular dysfunction due to aging, and the lifestyle habits that can prevent or reverse dysfunction. Role of peripheral vascular dysfunction in the pathogenesis of cognitive and cerebrovascular dysfunction Reduction in physiological functional capacity with advancing age Community-based studies in minority cardiovascular health Masters athletes as a model of successful aging Health benefits of swimming

Focuses on university-wide campus climate initiatives such as developing inclusive classrooms, campus climate issues and support, and recruitment/retention of faculty of color at predominantly white institutions.

Superintendent Entry Plans, Strategic Planning, Organizational Stability, Educational Leadership, Finance, Career Development in Schools

Specializes in the history of strength and conditioning, doping, women and sport, and history of physical culture.

Improving the accessibility and use of data and research to advance equitable policy and practice in education.

Focuses on effective interventions for students with and at-risk for reading disabilities, with a focus on intensifying intervention through data-based instruction and attention to motivational processes

Introduces students to the sport of tennis and studies the history of sport, specifically the evolvement of sports in Eastern Europe since its beginning in ancient Greece and Thrace.

Follows trends around cultural and racial identities, agency, migration, and social movements in education.

Specializes in urban education from a sociological and multicultural perspective, with a focus on minority youth in schools, particularly at the K-12 level.

Investigates effective interventions for a diverse group of students with reading difficulties and students who are English language learners.

Serves as the Associate Director for Student Learning and Development and researches post-qualitative and post-structuralist methodologies, discourse analysis, and gender performance.

Directs operations at the Fitness Institute of Texas and manages undergraduate internships.

Literacy teacher preparation, coaching and mentoring, equity and justice in literacy instruction

Examines issue of power and voice in education policy making and implementation processes, with a focus on public school district superintendents and school boards.

Expertise in Title IV policy and administration and higher education fundraising. Focused on issues of college affordability, under-represented student recruitment, and donor relations.

Uses lenses from organizational sociology to study how district leaders, principals, coaches, and teachers implement policy

Studies the cognitive underpinnings of learning and instruction (memory & metacognition), integrated with social-psychological processes (motivation & mindset), in direct applications to classroom practices, online instruction, and self-regulated learning.

Dr.Yeh's research examines the intersections of race, language, and disability to provide a more nuanced analysis of the constructions of ability in mathematics classrooms and mathematics education systems. Her scholarship centers on partnerships with schools and communities to expand educational leadership to create equitable learning environments, with particular attention to students, families, and communities who have been historically marginalized in education.